Class 11 Psychology Chapter 1 MCQ What is Psychology? Prepared for CBSE 2024-25. Get here important questions and Multiple Choice Questions of 11th Psychology chapter 1 along with the NCERT question answers.

Evolutionary psychology has its roots in:
[A] Behaviourism
[B] Collectivism
[C] Functionalism
[D] Structuralism
[C] Functionalism
Evolutionary psychology has its historical roots in Charles Darwin’s theory of natural process. within the Origin of Species, Darwin predicted that psychology would develop an evolutionary basis: within the distant future I see open fields for much more important researches.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 1 MCQ with Answers


Psychology is defined because the scientific study of

[A]. People and things
[B]. Emotions and beliefs
[C]. Perception and religion
[D]. Mind and behavior

The word Psychology comes from

[A]. Latin
[B]. Spanish
[C]. Greek
[D]. Italian

Watson and Skinner both contributed to which school of psychology?

[A]. Functionalism
[B]. Cognitive
[C]. Social-cultural
[D]. Behaviourism

Which field of psychology would be presumably to review the influence of over-crowding on conformity?

[A]. Personality
[B]. Cognitive
[C]. Clinical
[D]. Social

Freud championed psychology
[A] Psychodynamic
[B] Cultural
[C] Conscious
[D] Biodynamic
[A] psychodynamic
Perhaps the college of psychology that’s most familiar to the overall public is that the psychodynamic approach to understanding behaviour, which was championed by neurologist (1856-1939) and his followers.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 1 MCQ Explanation


Psychology the words Psyche and logos are made of two words which mean

[A]. Psychology is that the science of soul
[B]. Psychology is that the science of conscience experience
[C]. Psychology is that the science of behaviour
[D]. None of the above

Where was the primary laboratory of contemporary psychology established?

[A]. Moscow
[B]. Leipzig
[C]. The big apple
[D]. Calcutta

The psychology within which behaviours are studied during a social situation is called

[A]. Psychological science
[B]. General Psychology
[C]. Psychological Social
[D]. Mental hygiene

The primary psychology laboratory was established within the year

[A]. 1915
[B]. 1922
[C]. 1986
[D]. None of the above

A forensic psychologist would be possibly to study:
[A] The accuracy of eyewitness memory
[B] The impact of advertising on shopping behaviour
[C] The effect of hormones on higher cognitive process
[D]Gender differences in learning styles
[A] The accuracy of eyewitness memory
Research. Research is commonly a giant a part of a forensic psychology career. Forensic psychologists will often study and analyze research from other professionals and conduct their own research. they could study criminals and their crimes, for example, to see what traits certain kinds of criminals have.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Questions

Name the psychologist who said psychology as a study of behaviour or responses which might be measured and studied objectively.

[A]. Psychoanalyst
[B]. Philosopher
[C]. John Watson
[D]. None of the above

Name the psychologist who founded psychoanalysis.

[A]. Analyst
[B]. James
[C]. John Watson
[D]. None of the above

The introspective report in an experiment is given by

[A]. Experimenter
[B]. Subject
[C]. Both the experimenter and subject
[D]. None of the above

______ work with persons that suffer from motivational and emotional problems.

[A]. Counselling psychologists
[B]. Clinical psychologists
[C]. Community psychologists
[D]. Organisational psychologists

Most human behaviour:
[A] Is easily explained
[B] Has multiple causes
[C] Stems from unconscious desires
[D] Depends on social influence
[B] Has multiple causes
A study on human behavior has revealed that 90% of the population will be classified into four basic personality types: Optimistic, Pessimistic, Trusting and Envious. However, the latter of the four types, Envious, is that the commonest, with 30% compared to twenty for every of the opposite groups.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 1 Important MCQs

The behaviourists rejected introspection because

[A]. It absolutely was too slow
[B]. It invaded people’s privacy
[C]. It yielded an excessive amount of data
[D]. It absolutely was too subjective

Another term for reinforcement is

[A]. Stimulus
[B]. Reward
[C]. Response
[D]. Condition

Dr Pula wants to explore differences in child-rearing practices between British and Chinese parents. She is presumably a

[A]. Cognitive psychologist
[B]. Physiological psychologist
[C]. Cognitive-ergonomic psychologist
[D]. Social-cultural psychologist

Nature is to see as nurture is to determine.
[A] Environment/genes
[B] Conscious/unconscious
[C] Genes/environment
[D] Unconscious/conscious
[C] genes/environment
Nurture. The expression “nature vs. nurture” describes the question of what quantity a human characteristics are formed by either “nature” or “nurture.” “Nature” means innate biological factors (namely genetics), while “nurture” can talk to upbringing or life experience more generally.

Freud emphasized the role of internet sites in shaping people’s personality.
[A] Discretion
[B] Unconscious desires
[C] Hormones
[D] Group influenc
[B] unconscious desires
“The unconscious desire is what the central character learns, during their journey, that they really need. and infrequently this can be a more selfless goal.” He goes on to elucidate that in some films, the conscious desire and unconscious desire are the identical.

Last Edited: November 15, 2022