Class 11 Psychology Chapter 4 MCQ Human Development in English Medium modified for new session CBSE and State board 2024-25. All the extra questions which are important for board exams are given here with Multiple Choice Questions for the preparation of school exams.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 4 MCQ with Answers


Piaget’s stage of cognitive development in which an infant explores the world by coordination of sensory experiences with physical actions is called as

[A]. Sensorimotor stage
[B]. Preoperational stage
[C]. Concrete operational stage
[D]. Formal operational stage

Development is influenced by an interplay of

[A]. Biological and socio-emotional process.
[B]. Socio-emotional processes
[C]. Cognitive processes.
[D]. Biological, cognitive and socio-emotional processes.

Which of the following reflects socio-emotional processes?

[A]. A child hugs to her mother.
[B]. A young girl affectionate gesture to his/her sibling.
[C]. An adolescent’s sorrow at losing a match.
[D]. Old man driving a car.

The close emotional bonds of affection that develop between infants and their parents is called:
[A] Attachment
[B] Close relationship
[C] Close bond
[D] Open bond
[A] Attachment
Attachment is the deep emotional bond between a baby and the person who provides most of their care. Just as most parents feel a strong connection with their newborn after birth, babies also become attached to their parents.

The adolescent can apply logic more abstractly on:
[A] Concrete operational stage
[B] Formal operational stage
[C] Preoperatioraal stage
[D] Sensorimotor stage
[B] Formal operational stage
The capacity to formulate hypotheses and subject them to methodical testing in order to find a solution to a problem characterise the formal operational stage. In addition to being able to reason abstractly, someone in the formal stage may comprehend the shape or structure of a mathematical problem.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 4 MCQ Explanation


The changes that follow an orderly sequence and are largely dictated by the genetic blueprint which produces commonalities in our growth and development, is termed as

[A]. Maturation
[B]. Evolution
[C]. Development
[D]. Growing

The process by which an individual grows and changes throughout the life cycle is termed as

[A]. Growth
[B]. Development
[C]. Maturation
[D]. Evolution

Evolution proceeds at

[A]. A very fast pace
[B]. A slow pace
[C]. A very slow pace
[D]. None of these

Fit Jigsaw puzzle precisely is a fine motor skill for the children of:
[A] 3 years old
[B] 4 years old
[C] 5 years old
[D] 6 years old
[B] 4 years old
Jigsaw puzzles simultaneously work the left and right parts of your brain. Your right brain is creative and intuitive, whereas your left brain is rational and operates in a sequential manner. Consider it a mental exercise that strengthens your capacity for problem-solving and sustained attention.

Which of the following can be considered as gross motor skills of three years old child?
[A] Hopping
[B] Jumping
[C] Running
[D] Clapping
[C] Running
Large muscle movements are a part of gross motor skills, which include autonomous sitting, crawling, walking, and running. The usage of smaller muscles is required for fine motor activities like gripping, manipulating objects, and sketching.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions

Distinctly observable characteristics are called

[A]. Genotype
[B]. Phenotype
[C]. Genetics
[D]. DNA

Homo sapiens came into existence only about

[A]. 20,000 years ago
[B]. 30,000 years ago
[C]. 10,000 years ago
[D]. 40,000 years ago

The environment where the child directly interacts with social agents (such as family, peers, teachers, and neighborhoo[D], is termed as

[A]. Mesosystem
[B]. Microsystem
[C]. Macrosystem
[D]. Exosystem

Which of the following is socio-historical circumstances?

[A]. Divorce of parents
[B]. Parent’s economic setback
[C]. Both [A] and [B]
[D]. Buying a new car.

Focusing on a single characteristics is:
[A] Egocentrism
[B] Animism
[C] Centration
[D] None of these
[C] Centration
Centration is the psychological term for the propensity to concentrate on one prominent component of a situation while ignoring other, potentially significant aspects. Centration is a behaviour that is frequently displayed in the preoperational stage and was first described by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget through his theory of cognitive-developmental stages.

Which of the following is egocentrism?
[A] Self-focus
[B] Thinking that all things are living
[C] Thinking that all things are non-living
[D]Lack of focus
[A] Self-focus
You could question if narcissism and egocentrism are the same thing because egocentrism is the term used to describe someone who is self-centered and unable to see things from perspectives other than their own. There are clear distinctions between egocentric and narcissistic personalities, despite certain similarities.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 4 Important MCQs

Which of the following reflex is shown by a newborn?

[A]. Rooting
[B]. More
[C]. Babinski
[D]. Grasp

Babinski disappears in

[A]. 3 to 6 months
[B]. 8 to 12 months
[C]. 12 to 14 months
[D]. 12 to 14 months

When a finger or some other objects is pressed against the baby’s palm, the baby’s fingers close around it. It shows the

[A]. Grasp reflex
[B]. More reflex
[C]. Rooting reflex
[D]. Babinski reflex

The approximate age of sensorimotor stage is

[A]. 0-2 years
[B]. 2-7 years
[C]. 7-11 years
[D]. 11-18 years

According to Piaget the formal operational thought appears between the age of:
[A] 8—10 years
[B] 10—11 years
[C] 11—15 years
[D] 16—18 years
[C] 11—15 years
Approximately 11 to 12 years old is when it starts, and it lasts until maturity, but Piaget does note that some people may never reach this stage of cognitive development.

The stage of life that begins at the onset of puberty when sexual maturity or the ability to reproduce is attained is called:
[A] Adulthood
[B] Adolescence
[C] Middle aged
[D] Old aged
[B] Adolescence
Adolescence is a time of transition characterised by significant changes in social relationships, cognitive development, and physical growth. The most noticeable difference between adolescence and childhood is physical development.

Last Edited: November 15, 2022