NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 10 MCQ of Human Settlements to prepare for CBSE exams 2024-25. Class 12 Geography chapter 10 multiple choice questions of Fundamentals of Human Geography covers the entire chapter and good study material for revision.

Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural settlements?
[A] Tertiary
[B] Primary
[C] Secondary
[D] Quaternary
[B] Primary

Class 12 Geography Chapter 10 MCQ with Answers


Which of these is not a classification of rural settlement?

[A]. U-Shaped pattern
[B]. Linear pattern
[C]. T-Shaped pattern
[D]. Rectangular pattern

Linear settlement patterns are found in

[A]. Near a road
[B]. Near levee
[C]. Near canal edge
[D]. All of the above

Which of these is a classification of an urban settlement?

[A]. Literacy level
[B]. Administrative setup
[C]. Industrial development
[D]. Health infrastructure

What is the percentage of people living in urban areas globally as per 2017 census?

[A]. 37
[B]. 54
[C]. 48
[D]. 71

Which of these problems does urban population struggle with?
[A] Availability of potable water
[B] Water pollution
[C] Congested housing
[D] All of the above
[D] All of the above

What is the main function of ‘United Nations Development Programme’?
[A] Achieve sustainable economic growth
[B] Help countries eradicate poverty
[C] Both [A] and [B]
[D] None of the above
[C] Both [A] and [B]

Class 12 Geography Chapter 10 Multiple Choice Questions


In India, a settlement is considered as urban if it has

[A]. Notified area council
[B]. Election commission office
[C]. Cantonment board
[D]. Both [A] and [C]

Earliest urban settlements were based on the basis of

[A]. Power availability
[B]. Water availability
[C]. Literate population
[D]. Availability of natural resources

Addis Ababa is a ______ town in Ethiopia?

[A]. Commercial town
[B]. Religious town
[C]. Administrative town
[D]. Historical town

Which of these is not a shape of a settlement?

[A]. Circle
[B]. Rectangle
[C]. Square
[D]. Triangle

What is considered a mega city?
[A] City with population with 10 million or more
[B] City with population with 1 million or more
[C] City with population with 100 million or more
[D] City with population with 1 billion or more
[A] City with population with 10 million or more

Which continent had the title of having the first mega city?
[A] Asia
[B] Europe
[C] North America
[D] Australia
[C] North America