Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 1 Important Questions of The Best Christmas Present in the World. It includes all short and long questions with are important for school exams. Class 8 English Chapter 1 Extra Questions for practice help the students to understand the entire chapter for the preparation of class tests and terminal exams.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions

Class: 8English (Honeydew)
Chapter: 1The Best Christmas Present in the World
Contents:Important Extra Questions with Answers

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Extra Question Answers for 2024-25

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 1

Describe the condition of roll – top box. From where the author found the roll-top box?

The roll-top box was made up of oak. It was in very bad condition. It brings scorch mark all down one side and one leg is clumsily mended. He found roll – top box from a junk shop in Bridport

Why did the author buy roll top box even though it was in bad condition?

The Author bought roll top box of the bad condition because it cost little money and he could easily restore it by working on it.

What did the author find in the secret-drawer?

He found a tin-box cello taped to the top of that was a piece of lined notepaper in the secret drawer.

What did the author spot in the junk shop?

The author spotted a roll-top desk in the junk shop in Bridport, Dorset, England. The roll-top the desk was of the early nineteenth century and it was made up of oak wood.

What was the condition of the roll-top desk?

The roll-top desk that the author spotted in the junkshop was in bad condition. The roll-top desk was broken in several pieces, one leg was clumsily mended and there were scorch marks all down one side. Besides, the Veneer had lifted almost everywhere because of water.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 2

Why did the author think buying the roll-top was a risk?

The author bought the roll-top desk from a junk shop. And when the author bought the roll-top desk, it was in bad condition with water and fire damage. The author considered buying it a risk because if he could not restore the roll-top desk properly, it would be a loss for him.

Explain critically – “Curiosity got better of my scruples.”

This line reflects how the curiosity of us defeats our scruples i.e. the morality which makes us reluctant to do something that may be wrong. Here the poet talks about the box which aroused his curiosity to open it. .Though his morality made him feel that opening the box of someone is incorrect, he could not contain himself and opened the box.

Which incident did Jim talk about at the beginning of the letter?

The letter that the author wrote on December 26, 1914, he highlighted an unprecedented incident that took place in the battleground between the British and Germans. He wrote in an elated manner how the bloodthirst enemies observed Christmas enemies observed Christmas jubilantly forgetting their enmity.

How was the weather of the day as described by Jim?

The day which was talked about by Jim Macpherson was Christmas morning. Jim and other soldiers were standing in there trenches. It was crisp quiet and very beautiful morning. According to Jim, it resembled cold and frosty as Christmas the morning should be.

How did the author open the last drawer?

While opening the drawers, the author found the last drawer stuck fast. He put all his efforts to ease it out gently. But all his efforts were futile. At last, the author used brute force to open the drawer. He struck the last drawer sharply with the side of his fist and the drawer flew open.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 3

Tell us about the secret drawer.

When the author opened the last drawer with brute force, he found another secret drawer in there. The author reached in and found a small black tin box. On top of the box, there was, a lined notepaper cello-taped on the top and it, there was written “Jim’s last letter, received 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes.”

Explain the line- “I should like to be able to tell you that we began it.”

Here Jim Macpherson regrets over the fact that they could not initiate the very noble work that their enemies did. On Christmas morning the Germans wished the Christmas first and offered to celebrate the day they do on Christmas days.

“Don’t shoot lads!” – Explain the statement.

This statement was made by one of the soldiers. It was made so because after wishing Christmas one of the German soldiers got up on the parapet in grey greatcoat and started waving a white flag.

Explain- “We agreed about everything and he was my enemy.”

This sentence is the most striking in the whole story. Generally, enmity comes to two persons or groups for having a strong disagreement over an issue or issues. But here in the story both Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson did not disagree with anything. Rather they agreed about everything. They were enemies because they were made enemies by the leaders and warlords of their countries.

What did the Fritz begin?

On the Christmas morning, 25th December 1914 the Fritz i.e. the Germans and British were facing each other in the battleground expecting bloodshed. But the day begins a pious one, they decided to observe in utmost brotherhood forgetting enmity. Across no man’s land from the side of the Germans some waved a white flag and wished the British solders ‘Happy Christmas, Tommy! Happy Christmas!’

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 4

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 4

When the Germans wished the British soldiers Christmas, the British soldiers were perplexed for the moment for this unexpected wish, and then realizing the true spirit of the wish instinctively they wished back ‘Same to you Fritz! Same to you!’

How did they start playing football matches?

When both the German and British soldiers were enjoying Christmas, smoking, laughing, talking, drinking, and eating someone brought out a football. They used the greatcoats dumping in piles to make goalposts. Then there was the battle of football between Tommies against Firtzs.

How did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson enjoy the football match?

When the Tommies and the Fritz’s started playing a football match, they enjoyed it to the utmost. They looked on and cheered clapping their hands and stamping their feet to enjoy the match and to keep out the cold as much as anything.

What do the breaths mingling signify?

When Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson were enjoying playing a football match, there was a moment when Jim Macpherson saw their breaths mingling in the air between them. Even Hans Wolf noticed it and smiled. The significance is that not only they are not having any enmity between them but also their breaths have no issues in unification.

What was there inside the tin box?

Inside the box, there was an envelope. The address read: ‘Mrs. Jim Macpherson, 12 Copper Beeches, Bridport Dorset’ and then he took out the letter and unfolded it. It was written in pencil and dated at the top – ‘December 26, 1914’.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 5

What was written on the tin box?

“Jim’s last letter, received January 25, 1915”, was written on the tin box.

Describe briefly about Christmas morning on the behalf of a letter sent by Jim to Connie.

Christmas morning was crisp and quiet all about, as beautiful a charming day. It was totally cold and frosty as a Christmas morning should be.

Who was Hans Wolf?

Hans Wolf was the officer of Fritz. He was from Dusseldorf. He played cello in the orchestra.

Who was Jim Macpherson?

Jim Macpherson was a school teacher. He was from Dorset, in the west of England.

Write the character sketch of Mrs. Macpherson.

Mrs. Macpherson was an old lady. She was a hundred and one years old. She was very lovely. She had white silver hair and wrinkles on the skin. But she used a candle rather than electricity because according to her, electricity was too expensive.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 6

What did Hans & Jim talk about when they were sharing rum & sausage?

They talked about their favorite book, ‘Far from the madding crowd’, with Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, Sergeant Troy, and Dorset.

How usually the war end? And how should it end and why?

Normally, wars end by shedding blood and loses of properties and people. But there a football match resolves the war. As “No one dies in a football match. No children are orphaned. No wives become widows”.

Who won the match?

Fritz won the match.

Why the letter was so special?

The letter was so special because it was written to Connie Jim’s wife and the letter explains the war and our home. This letter shows that every soldier wants peace and love.

What did Mrs. Macpherson think about visitors?

Mrs. Macpherson thought that visitor was her husband, Mr. Macpherson. We know that because she said, “you told me you had come home by Christmas, dearest,”. “And here you are the best Christmas present in the world. Come close Jim dear, sit down”.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 7

What did the author do after he read a letter?

After reading a letter the author went to Bridport and asked for the address where the shop the keeper got the roll-top box.

Where was Mrs. Machpherson living? And why so?

She was in a nursing home, Burlington House, on the Dorchester. She was living there because her house caught fire and she got injured.

Why were the people at the nursing hom£ surprised to see visitors?

The people were surprised because Mrs. Macpherson had no family, no one visits her so they was happy too to see him there.

What did he find in a secret drawer? Who do you think had put it in there?

He found a small black tin box in a secret drawer. Jim’s wife Mrs. Macpherson had put it there. Her name and address were on the envelope inside the box.

What did the author find in a junk shop?

The author found a very old 19th-century rolled-top desk in a junk shop. It was made of oak. It was in very bad condition. The roll-top was broken into several pieces. One of the legs was clumsily mended and there were scorch marks down one side.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 8

Who had written the letter, to whom, and when?

Jim Macpherson had written the letter to his wife Connie Macpherson on December 26, 1914.

Why was the letter written? What was the wonderful thing that had happened?

German and British army was fighting a battle. The soldiers were living in their trenches to fight the enemy. Soldiers were writing and receiving the letter was the only way to be in touch with their family members. The wonderful thing was, despite enmity they celebrated Christmas together. This shows that festivals are above all personal enmity.

What jobs did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson have when they were not soldiers?

Before joining the army, Hans played the cello in the orchestra and Jim was a teacher.

Had Hans Wolf ever been to Dorset? Why did he say he knew it?

No, Hans Wolf had never been to Dorset. He said so because he had learned all about England in his school and in English books.

Why did the author go to Bridport?

The author went to Bridport because that was the address where Mrs. Macpherson lived. He wanted to give that letter back to her.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 9

Do you think Jim Macpherson came back from the war? How do you know this?

The written statement on the letter saying sheet the last letter was from Jim and that should be buried with Mrs. Macpherson. It indicates that Jim didn’t return from war.

How old was Mrs. Macpherson now? Where was she?

Mrs. Macpherson was a hundred and one years old. She was in a nursing home in Burlington house, on the Dorchester road, on the other side of town.

Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was?

Connie Macpherson thought her visitor was her husband, Mr. Jim Macpherson.

Which sentence in the text shows that the visitor did not try to hide his identity?

That sentence is, “You told me You’d come home by Christmas, dearest,” she said, “And here you are. The best Christmas present in the world. Come closer, Jim dear, sit down.”

War is no solution to disputes. Discuss.

Wars no longer represent the country’s pride. They generally result in a ruler’s ego. Their narcism takes a toll on the lives of so many from both the side. A common soldier wishes to celebrate the festivals together and think of family first. They want to end the bitter relationship by challenging them in a game. They expressed their fondness for each other food, drink, places, and literature. Wisdom and mutual respect would never cause harm to humanity but the ego does, so before taking extreme steps like the war they should think of respect and co-existence. Neither German nor British soldiers were enjoying the game and feast together.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 10

Why do Jim and Hans think that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts? Do you agree?

Jim and Hans think that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts because nobody dies in a game. They thought that a game does not end in a child becoming an orphan or a wife becoming a widow.

For how long do you think Connie had kept Jim’s letter? Give reasons for your answer.

Connie must have kept Jim’s letter for a long time. This is because she told the narrator how she read it quite often every day so that she could feel that Jim was near her.

Why do you think the desk had seen sold, and when?

The desk must have been sold as junk. It might have been sold after the demise of Macpherson.

Do you think the soldiers of the two armies are like each other, or different from each other? Find evidence from the story to support your answer.

The soldiers of the two armies are like each other and they are not at all different. Following are some instances from the story to prove:
Both of them wanted peace, longed for the war to be over, and wanted to go home to meet their families.
Both the armies celebrated Christmas and wished Merry Christmas to each other.
Both the armies shared their sausage, schnapps, and Christmas cake.
They played a football match and at night shared Christmas carols and hope to unite with the families again.

What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it “the best Christmas present in the world”?

When the narrator came to see Connie and gave her the box, she mistook him for her husband Jim. She thought that Jim had come home for Christmas. This was Connie’s Christmas present. It was the best Christmas present in the world for her because Jim had written in the letter that he would come home at Christmas. She had read that letter several times every day to feel that he was near her. Now that he was finally there with her, she was extremely happy.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Set – 11

Mention the various ways in which the British and the German soldiers become friends and things in common at Christmas.

The British and the German soldiers smile at each other and wish merry Christmas to each other. They offer food to each other. They share drinks and laugh at jokes. They play and enjoy a game of football. Thus they become friends on that occasion.

Do you think the title, of this story, is suitable for it? Can you think of any other title(s)?

The title of the story is perfectly suitable for it as the story revolves around the letter which turns out to be the best Christmas gift in the world for Mrs. Macpherson. Mrs. Macpherson had written the date . and her wish on the letter’s envelope that this letter should be buried along with her after her death. She had lost it but in the end, she found it and in its form, she found her husband Jim once again. There can be no other title suitable for this story.

In groups discuss whether wars are a good way to end conflicts between countries. Then present your arguments to the whole class.

War means bloodshed, hate, and destruction. Even the animals fight for some sound reason. But nations go to war to settle some petty dispute or in the name of religions. War solves no problem. Understanding and mutual discussion alone can end differences, All religions condemn greed and bloody quarrels.

What kind of presents do you like and why? What are the things you keep in mind when you buy presents for others? Discuss it with your partner.

I am against the practice of exchanging expensive gifts. A rose or a token of affection suits every person and every pocket. This is why some guests offer bouquets or greeting cards alone. In case the gift is essential. It should satisfy some needs and have utility. When I go to buy a present I first take into account the liking of my classmate, relative, or girl/boyfriend.

You are the best Christmas present’. What was the best present? What was its importance?

On Christmas eve, the narrator found a tin box carrying letter of captain Macpherson. It had a note which mentioned that his wife wanted the letter to be buried with her when she died. The narrator brought the box to her. When Connie heard him, she thought it was her husband who promised her to return on Christmas. Her wait was too long. She was muddle-headed and was admitted to a hospital.
When everyone was merry-making on Christmas, she was sitting brooding over something. She was hopeful that her husband would return. But the wait was too long by then, she lost her vision, a memory so she mistook the guest to be her husband and considered his arrival to be the best gift. Her wait for her husband shows her love and desire to see him back.

Last Edited: January 27, 2022