Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 17 Comprehension. Comprehension is the noun form of “Comprehend”. To comprehend means to grasp mentally in order to have full understanding of a thing. Comprehension is a person’s power of understanding a given unseen passage. It is a very light exercise. The students should first grasp the sense of the passage, fully understand the nature of the questions and then answer the questions in their own words. The answers should be brief and to the point. Comprehension forms the basis of Precis-writing which in its turn leads to composition writing. Thus comprehension plays a very significant part in the mental development of the students in the art of learning English.

In the realm of English learning, especially as outlined in Chapter 17 of Class 8 English Grammar, comprehension stands as a pivotal cornerstone. As per renowned educational platforms like Tiwari Academy, comprehension is more than just reading a passage; it’s about diving deep into the text, understanding its nuances, and extracting its core essence.

At its root, the term ‘comprehension’ stems from the verb ‘comprehend’. While ‘comprehend’ signifies the act of mentally grasping or fully understanding a concept, ‘comprehension’ can be understood as the depth and breadth of that understanding. It’s a measure of one’s ability to delve into an unseen passage, decode its layered meanings, and draw insightful inferences.

Class: 8English Grammar
Chapter: 17Comprehension or Unseen Passage
Academic Session:2024-25
Study Material:Textbook and Revision Book

General Instruction for Unseen Passage

Given below are some instructions which will be found to be of great help in answering satisfactorily the questions set on a passage:

    • Read the passage carefully two or three times so that the theme of the passage may be understood.
    • Read the questions carefully and underline the relevant portions of the given passage which you feel should be the most suitable answers
    • Now write answers to the questions in simple., easy and current language.
    • Remember that the answers should be your own composition. Do not try to copy the very words of the passage.
    • The answers must have sound grammatical construction. Great care should be taken in the use of punctuation also.
    • Several answers should not be put in the same paragraph. Each answer should be given in a separate paragraph and should have its number corresponding to that of the question.

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Key steps to mastering comprehension include:

    • Grasping the Essence: Before diving into questions, students should immerse themselves in the passage, absorbing its key messages and subtleties. This initial deep reading sets the foundation for accurate comprehension.
    • Understanding the Questions: Once the passage is understood, students need to analyze the comprehension questions meticulously. Grasping the intent behind each question ensures that the answers are aligned and relevant.
    • Formulating Responses: Crafting answers is an art. It demands the consolidation of understanding, ensuring responses are concise, relevant, and expressed in one’s own words. Rambling or veering off-topic dilutes the essence of the answer.

Practice Unseen Passage – 1

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each:
Books are very useful to us. They are the best companion of man. They never cheat the reader. Books are a good source of knowledge. We get knowledge on different subjects. We can read books. We can read books of our taste. They enlighten our hearts and make us bold to face the realities and difficulties of life. We can find everything in books. By reading books, we can be in the company of great writers of the past. We can make this world a better place to live in. Books are the life-blood of great master-minds. We can never deny their utility.

    1. What is useful to us?
    2. Whom do they never cheat?
    3. Whose best companions are books?
    4. What are the books a source of?
    5. On which subject can we get knowledge?
    6. How do the books help us?
    7. How can we make this world a better place to live in?
    8. What can we find in the books?
    9. How can we be in the company of great writers of the past?
    10. Can we deny their utility?
Suggested Answers of Practice Unseen Passage 1
    1. Books are useful to us.
    2. They never cheat their readers.
    3. Books are the best companions of man.
    4. Books are a good source of knowledge.
    5. We can get knowledge on different subjects.
    6. The books make us bold to face the realities and difficulties of life.
    7. With the help of the books, we can make this world a better place to live in.
    8. We can find everything in books.
    9. We can be in the company of great writers of the past through books.
    10. No, we can never deny their utility.

Furthermore, comprehension serves as a gateway to more advanced language skills. It lays the groundwork for precis-writing—a skill that requires the condensation of lengthy texts into shorter summaries without losing essence. Mastery in comprehension naturally segues into the realm of composition writing, fostering eloquence and fluency in the written word.

Practice Unseen Passage – 2

Villagers from far and near come to see the fair in groups. To pay their homage they go up to the temple singing and dancing accompanied by drums. There is mirth and gaiety all around. The toy shops draw the maximum crowd. There is a great rush at each shop. Games like Kabaddi and races of camels are seen in progress. The winner is honoured with handsome prizes. Snake charmers, jugglers and rope dancers earn a lot.

    • 1. Who come to see the fair?
    • 2. Where do villagers come from?
    • 3. Why do they go to the temple?
    • 4. What do they do while going to the temple?
    • 5. What is there all around?
    • 6. What does one find at each shop?
    • 7. What are the games in the fair?
    • 8. Who is honoured there?
    • 9. What is given to the winner?
    • 10. Why do the snake charmers go to the fair?
Suggested Answers of Practice Unseen Passage 2
    • 1. Villagers come to see the fair.
    • 2. The villagers come from far and near.
    • 3. They go to the temple to pay their homage.
    • 4. They sing and dance while going to the temple.
    • 5. There is mirth and gaiety all around.
    • 6. One finds a great rush at each shop.
    • 7. The games like Kabaddi and races of camels are there in the fair.
    • 8. The winner is honoured there.
    • 9. The winner is given handsome prizes.
    • 10. They go to the fair to earn money.
Practice Unseen Passage – 3

Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. His country was not free. It was under the English. He wanted to free his country. He made many attempts, but all in vain. He lost heart and fled into a forest. He hid himself in a cave. He was very sad. One day he caught sight of a spider. It was trying to reach its cobweb. The cobweb was near the ceiling. It made eight attempts, but failed. In its eighth attempt it had reached its cobweb but it again fell down. The king thought that it would not try any more. But it did not lose heart. It tried once more. This time it got success. The king learnt a lesson. He decided to try once more. He gathered a large army. He attacked the enemy. He fought bravely. This time he succeeded. His country was free again. He was very happy.

1. Who was the king of Scotland?
2. Was his country free?
3. Where did he hide himself?
4. What did he see in the cave?
5. What was the spider doing?
6. Where was the cobweb?
7. What did the king think?
8. Did the spider lose heart?
9. Whom did the king attack?
10. How did he fight?

In summation, comprehension is not just a chapter in a grammar book but a foundational skill. As students progress through Class 8, platforms like Tiwari Academy emphasize its significance, underscoring its role in the holistic mental and linguistic development of young learners. Through dedicated practice and honed analytical skills, students can master this art, setting a strong foundation for their journey in the English language.

Suggested Answers of Practice Unseen Passage 3

1. Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland.
2. No, his country was not free.
3. He hid himself in a cave.
4. He saw a spider trying to reach its cobweb.
5. The spider was trying to reach its cobweb.
6. The cobweb was near the ceiling.
7. The king thought that it would not try any more.
8. No, the spider did not lose heart.
9. The king attacked the enemy.
10. He fought bravely.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 17 Comprehension
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Revision
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Examples
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Exercises
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Revision book
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Notes
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Assignments
Class 8 English Grammar Comprehension Worksheets
Last Edited: October 25, 2023