The creation of variations in a species promotes survival by increasing genetic diversity. This diversity allows populations to adapt to changing environments, resist diseases, and overcome challenges. Variations can lead to the development of beneficial traits, enhancing survival and reproductive success, thereby ensuring the long-term survival and evolution of the species.

Let’s discuss in detail

Introduction to Variations and Survival

Variations within a species are fundamental to the process of evolution and the survival of the species. These variations, which are genetic differences among individuals, play a crucial role in how a species adapts to its environment and responds to various challenges.

Genetic Diversity as a Survival Tool

Genetic diversity, resulting from these variations, is a key factor in a species’ ability to survive and thrive. Diverse genetic makeup within a population means a wider range of traits and characteristics. This diversity can be crucial when environmental conditions change, as some individuals will possess traits that make them more adaptable to new conditions.

Adaptation to Environmental Changes

Variations enable species to adapt to changing environments. For instance, in a population where some individuals have a genetic variation that allows them to tolerate colder temperatures, these individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce in cooler climates. Over time, this trait becomes more common in the population, demonstrating natural selection.

Resistance to Diseases and Predators

Variations can also confer resistance to diseases and predators. A genetically diverse population is less likely to be wiped out by a single disease, as some individuals will have genetic resistance. Similarly, variations in coloration or behavior can provide better camouflage or evasion tactics against predators.

Enhanced Reproductive Success

Variations can lead to traits that increase an individual’s chances of reproducing. Traits such as brighter colors, stronger physical attributes, or better foraging skills can make certain individuals more attractive to mates or more successful in acquiring resources, thus ensuring their genes are passed on to the next generation.

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Conclusion: The Role of Variations in Evolution

In conclusion, the creation of variations within a species is a fundamental aspect of evolution, promoting survival through increased adaptability, disease resistance, and reproductive success. These variations ensure that a species can cope with environmental changes, resist external threats, and continue to evolve over generations, securing its place in the ecosystem.

Discuss this question in detail or visit to Class 10 Science Chapter 8 for all questions.
Questions of 10th Science Chapter 8 in Detail

If a trait A exists in 10% of a population of an asexually reproducing species and a trait B exists in 60% of the same population, which trait is likely to have arisen earlier?
How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival?
How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive?
How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits are inherited independently?
A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O and their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough to tell you which of the traits – blood group A or O – is dominant? Why or why not?
How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?
A study found that children with light-coloured eyes are likely to have parents with light-coloured eyes. On this basis, can we say anything about whether the light eye colour trait is dominant or recessive? Why or why not?
Outline a project which aims to find the dominant coat colour in dogs.
How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny?