Class 11 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ The Bases of Human Behaviour in English Medium for CBSE and state board examination. Important Questions and Multiple Choice Questions are also given here for extra practice during the revision of the chapters.

Which of the subsequent may be a socialisation agent?
[A] Parents
[B] School
[C] Media
[D] Games
[C] Media
Socialization agents are a mix of social groups and social institutions that provide the primary experiences of socialization. Families, early education, peer groups, the workplace, religion, government, and media all communicate expectations and reinforce norms.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ with Answers


During country rule India many individuals and groups adopted several aspects of British lifestyle. this modification refers to

[A]. [A] Enculturation
[B]. Acculturation
[C]. Socialisation
[D]. None of the above

The load of the brain is about _____ per cent of the overall weight

[A]. 2.01
[B]. 2.15
[C]. 2.35
[D]. 2.45

Biological changes that occur thanks to the evolutionary process are so _____ that they come into view after many generations

[A]. Slow
[B]. Fast
[C]. Moderate
[D]. No changes

The quantity of chromosomes present within the gametic cell of persons is:
[A] 20
[B] 21
[C] 23
[D] 22
[C] 23
Gametes have half the full number of chromosomes that the organism has to develop and are cited as haploid . as an example, humans need 46 chromosomes to develop, therefore an individual’s gamete has 23 chromosomes. Fertilisation is that the fusion of the nucleus of a male gamete with the nucleus of a female gamete.

Cultural and psychological changes resulting from contact with other culture is understood as
[A] Acculturation
[B] Enculturation
[C] Socialisation
[D] Culturation
[A] Acculturation
Acculturation may be defined because the ‘process of learning and incorporating the values, beliefs, language, customs and mannerisms of the new country immigrants and their families reside in, including behaviors that affect health like dietary habits, activity levels and substance use.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Explanation


Different people react differently to the identical situation. this is often remarked as

[A]. Multiple determinants
[B]. Nativism
[C]. The Simpson effect
[D]. Individual differences

Which of the subsequent is that the main body of the nerve cell?

[A]. Dendrites
[B]. Soma
[C]. Axons
[D]. None of those

The conduction of neural impulse within the axon is

[A]. Biochemical
[B]. Chemical
[C]. Magnetic
[D]. Electrical

Which of the subsequent hormone guide the sexual development of the feminine body?
[A] Progesterone
[B] Testosterone
[C] Estrogens
[D] None of the above
[C] Estrogens
Estrogen is maybe the foremost well-known internal secretion. Although the bulk of estrogen production occurs within the ovaries, the adrenal glands and fat cells produce small amounts of estrogen, too. Estrogen plays an important role in reproductive and sexual development, which begins when an individual reaches puberty.

The kid begins life as a single:
[A] Gametic cell
[B] Zygote cell
[C] Haploid cell
[D] Epithelial Cells
[B] Zygote cell
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo’s Conception. Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an egg and together they form a zygote. Human development begins after the union of male and feminine gametes or germ cells during a process called fertilization (conception).

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions

The gap between two neurons is called

[A]. Synaptic cleft
[B]. Synaptic gap
[C]. Synaptic nerve
[D]. Synapse

Sympathetic nervous system

[A]. Dilates pupil
[B]. Slows heart
[C]. Constricts bronchi
[D]. Fast heart

Which of the subsequent isn’t the function of parasympathetic nervous system?

[A]. It slows heart
[B]. It increases digestive functions of stomach
[C]. It decreases digestive functions of stomach
[D]. None of those

Insulin is secreted by:
[A] Pancreas
[B] Gonads
[C] Endocrine gland
[D] Endocrine
[A] Pancreas
The most important hormone that the pancreas produces is insulin. Insulin is released by the ‘beta cells’ within the islets of Langerhans in response to food. Its role is to lower glucose levels within the bloodstream and promote the storage of glucose in fat, muscle, liver and other body tissues

Diabetes is caused because of deficient of:
[A] Antihemorrhagic factor
[B] Water-soluble vitamin
[C] Estrogens
[D] Insulin
[D] Insulin
Diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. DM is caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin action. Hyperglycemia (abnormally elevated blood glucose) is that the biochemical hallmark of diabetes, but the pathways of all major nutrients are deranged.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 3 Important MCQs

Which of the subsequent is involved in sleep mechanism, particularly the sleep characterised by dream?

[A]. Cerebellum
[B]. Mid-brain
[C]. Medula oblongata
[D]. All of the above

Which of the subsequent is especially concerned with cognitive functions, like attention, thinking, memory?

[A]. The lobe of cerebrum
[B]. The back lobe of cerebrum
[C]. The lobe of mid brain
[D]. The rear lobe of cerebrum

The inner environment of the body is regulated and controlled by

[A]. Midbrain
[B]. Hypothalamus
[C]. Thalamus
[D]. Cerebellum

Which of the subsequent is an example of reflex action?
[A] Knee jerks
[B] Pupil constriction
[C] Breathing
[D] speaking
[C] Breathing
Reflex action may be a sudden and involuntary response to stimuli. It helps organisms to quickly adapt to an adverse circumstance that would have the potential to cause bodily harm or perhaps death. Pulling our hands away immediately after touching a hot or cold object could be a classic example of a reflex action.

Which of the subsequent gland is thought because the ‘master gland’?
[A] Endocrine
[B] Endocrine gland
[C] Pancreas
[D] Pituitary
[B] Ductless gland
The endocrine gland is usually called the “master” gland of the system because it controls the functions of the many of the opposite endocrine glands. The hypophysis isn’t any larger than a pea, and is found at the bottom of the brain.

Last Edited: November 15, 2022