Updated by Tiwari Academy
on July 15, 2022, 7:30 AM
Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 5 MCQ and Important Questions of Organising to prepare for exams in session 2024-25. Class 12 Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions and Extra important questions are helpful to prepare for exams. Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 5 Solutions.
Organising can be defined as a process that initiates implementation of plans by clarifying work, working environment, working relationships and effectively deploying resources for attainment of identified and desired results. Therefore, it is a process, which coordinates human efforts, assembles resources and integrates both into a unified whole to be utilized for achieving specified objectives.
Span of management refers to ………….
[A]. Number of members in top management
[B]. Length of term for which a manager is appointed
[C]. Number of managers in a organisation
[D]. Number of subordinates under a superior
Answer: Option D
Span means width. Here it refers to number of subordinates which a superior can effectively manage.
1. It is deliberately created by the top management.
2. It is based on rules and procedures which are in written form.
3. It is impersonal i.e. does not take into consideration emotional aspect.
4. It clearly defines the authority and responsibility of every individual.
5. It is created to achieve organizational objectives.
Decentralisation leads to ……….. autonomy.
[A]. More
[B]. Less
[C]. Equal
[D]. [a] and [c]
Answer: Option A
The very purpose of decentralization is to grant higher authority to subordinates when an organization expands.
Which of the following is not a feature of informal organization?
[A]. Informal communication
[B]. Spontaneous
[C]. Stability
[D]. No clear-cut structure.
Answer: Option C
Informal organizations arise spontaneously as a result of social interaction among members in the same organization. Since the member keep on changing, it is not stable – there is no governing body.
1. Prescribed lines of communication are not followed which leads to faster spread of information.
2. Enhances job satisfaction which gives them a sense of belongingness in the organization.
3. Because the subordinates can speak without hesitation before the officers, it helps the officers to understand the problems of their subordinates.
Into how many sub-topics can chapter 5 business studies class 12th be divided to prepare MCQs.
Broadly, there are three sub-topics. Types of organizational structures, delegation and decentralisation and formal and informal organization.
What is the utility of solving MCQs other than preparing for board examination?
For many of the competitive exams, MCQs are the preferred mode of conducting examination and selecting the candidates.
Why is the MCQs based question paper preferred over other means of examination?
Under this mode, the students ability can be just in short span of time.