NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries in Hindi and English Medium updated and modified for new session 2024-25. Along with NCERT solutions of class 12 Geography chapter 8, get extra question answers of India People and Economy Unit III here free to use.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 8

Why do you think that the iron and steel industry is basic to the industrial development of any country?

The iron and steel industry is basic to the industrial development of any country because from needle to airplane, steel is required at every step. Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction material, defense, medical, telephonic, scientific equipment and a variety of consumer goods. This industry is the mother of all industries as it helps other secondary industries and also helps in national development. It is one of the vital aspects of stable growth and economic development.

Name the two sectors of the cotton textile industries. How are they different?
The textile industry can be classified into two segments:

    • Organized Sector: The organized sector uses modern machinery and techniques and consists of the spinning, apparel and garments segment.
    • Unorganized Sector: The unorganized sector is small scale and uses traditional tools and methods. It consists of handloom, handicrafts and sericulture (production of silk).

Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 MCQ


Which is not a factor of industrial location?

[A]. Market
[B]. Capital
[C]. Population Density
[D]. Power

The earliest Iron and Steel Company to be established in India was

[C]. Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works
[D]. Mysore Iron and Steel Works

The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai because

[A]. Mumbai is a port
[B]. It is located near cotton growing area
[C]. Mumbai was the financial centre
[D]. All of the above

The nucleus of the Hugli Industrial region is

[A]. Kolkata-Haora
[B]. Kolkata-Rishra
[C]. Kolkata-Medinipur
[D]. Kolkata-Konnagar

Why is the sugar industry a seasonal industry?

Sugar industry is a seasonal industry because of the availability of raw materials. In India planting Seasons of Sugarcane in subtropical regions are September to October (autumn) and February to March (spring), whereas in tropical regions it is June to August and January to February and October to November. As sugarcane is a seasonal crop, shortly after harvest the supply of bagasse would peak, requiring power generation plants to strategically manage the storage of bagasse.

What is the raw material base for the petrochemical industry? Name some of the products of this industry?

Crude petroleum is the raw material for the petroleum industry. It is refined to obtain various products, which collectively are referred to as petrochemical industries.
Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of over 6,000 everyday products. Few of which are plastics, rubbers, resins, synthetic fibers, adhesives, dyes, detergents, pesticides, and petroleum-derived paints and coatings.

How did the Swadeshi movement give a major impetus to the cotton textiles industry?

In order to give boost to local products, The Swadeshi movement gave a major impetus to the textile industry in India. The Swadeshi movement was formally started from Town Hall Calcutta on 7 August 1905 to curb foreign goods by relying on domestic production. Mahatma Gandhi described it as the soul of swaraj (self-rule). It began as a boycott of British goods while encouraging domestic production of local goods.

The theme of boycotting British goods and institutions gave rise to development of local Indian institutions to replace them. The resolution here was taken to use ONLY INDIAN made goods instead of British. Soon Production of khadi became popular and production of handlooms and power looms started in cottage industries.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 8
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 in English Medium
Class 12 Geography Chapter 8
Last Edited: November 3, 2022