Class 6 Science Chapter 10 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Fun with Magnets. All the chapter 10 of class 6 science is now covered through MCQs with suitable answers for CBSE Session 2024-25. Practice here with these multiple choice objective questions with answers to prepare for exams and get good score in your upcoming tests.

Class 6 Science Chapter 10 MCQ Online Test for 2024-25

Class: 6Science
Chapter: 10Fun with Magnets
Contents:MCQ Online Test with Answers

Class 6 Science Chapter 10 MCQ Test with Answers


Choose the wrong statement:

[A]. Heat can destroy magnetic properties of a magnet.
[B]. Magnets are made up of different materials and different shapes.
[C]. There is a maximum attraction in middle of a magnet.
[D]. Magnetite it does not show magnetic properties.

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. A magnet is an object which attracts thing made of iron steel, nickel and cobalt.
[B]. Magnets are made of iron, steel or other alloys of iron by the process of magnetization.
[C]. A bar magnet is a long rectangular magnetized bar of iron or steel.
[D]. All the above

Attraction is seen between the poles of two bar magnet in the case of

[A]. North pole of one magnet with North pole of other.
[B]. North pole of one magnet with South pole of other
[C]. South pole of one magnet with South pole of other
[D]. All of these cases will show attraction

In the last year board examination, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were correct? Will you be able to answer this question?

[A]. Magnetic material can be magnetized which means that magnetic materials can be converted into magnets.
[B]. Those materials which are not attracted by a magnet are called nonmagnetic materials.
[C]. Most of materials around us are nonmagnetic materials.
[D]. All the above

Temporary magnets are made from

[A]. Silver
[B]. Soft iron
[C]. Steel
[D]. Copper

Which of the following two metals would be attract to a magnet?

[A]. Gold and silver
[B]. Silver and copper
[C]. Iron and lead
[D]. Iron and nickel.

It is a common observation that a pencil sharpener gets attracted by magnet through its plastic body:

[A]. As it is made of a special non-magnetic material.
[B]. As it is made of plastic.
[C]. As there is a steel blade.
[D]. As pencil sharpener body is made of cobalt and thermoplastic.

Which material can be made magnetic by hammering or stroking it with another magnet?

[A]. Glass rod
[B]. Copper wire
[C]. Iron nail
[D]. Lead tube

When iron fillings are kept near a magnet:

[A]. It aligns itself along magnetic field lines
[B]. It gets attracted towards north pole of magnet.
[C]. It gets attracted towards south pole of magnet
[D]. Nothing happens.

Which of the following statement is not true about poles of a magnet?

[A]. North pole of a magnet is attracted towards south pole of other magnet.
[B]. North pole of two magnets each other.
[C]. Each magnet has a north and south pole.
[D]. A magnet can have two north pole

Needle of a compass, if free to move will always orient:

[A]. In geographical north-south direction
[B]. In geographical east west direction
[C]. Along equator
[D]. In any arbitrary direction

What will happen when the two magnets (south A and south B) come towards each other?

[A]. They will heat up
[B]. They will repel each other
[C]. They will attract each other
[D]. Nothing will happen

A magnet can attract a:

[A]. Steel ring
[B]. Copper plate
[C]. Rubber band
[D]. Glass rod

Which one of the following things can be made into a magnet?

[A]. An eraser
[B]. A pencil
[C]. A plastic
[D]. A razor

Which of the following items cannot be picked up by a magnet?

[A]. Hair pins
[B]. Paper clips
[C]. Aluminum false
[D]. Iron nails

The electromagnet is a:

[A]. Bar magnet
[B]. Damaged magnet
[C]. Temporary magnet
[D]. Permanent magnet

We can use a magnet to separate:

[A]. Rubber bands from pieces of aluminum foil
[B]. Pieces of copper wire from glass beads
[C]. Steel staples from sand
[D]. Steel bottle caps from iron fillings

A free-turning magnet will always rest in:

[A]. North-south direction
[B]. East west direction
[C]. South west direction
[D]. North east direction

Tarun is writing some precautions related handling of magnets. Choose the incorrect statements from the given sentences:

[A]. We should never store magnets.
[B]. We should never heat a magnet over burner.
[C]. We should never hit a magnet with hammer.
[D]. We should never drop a magnet on the floor.

Arun appeared in class test but he confused to know the correct statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. Magnets are used to hold objects like stickers, refrigerator doors etc.
[B]. Magnets are used for making compass.
[C]. Magnets are used in telephones, doorbells, mixer and grinder, fans etc.
[D]. All the above

Ruhi is writing some statements, choose the incorrect statement and help him:

[A]. Magnet is used in refrigerator door to keep it tightly closed.
[B]. Magnets are used in some pencil boxes to keep their lids shut tightly.
[C]. Needle of a compass deflects when we brought a magnet near it.
[D]. Electromagnet is a permanent magnet.

Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. North pole brought near to north pole of another magnet which attracts.
[B]. South pole brought near to south pole of another magnet which attracts.
[C]. South pole brought near to north pole of another magnet which repels.
[D]. North pole brought near to south pole of another magnet which attracts.

In a science quiz competition, Nidhi are asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. The end of magnet which points towards the north direction is called north-seeking end or north pole of the magnet.
[B]. The end of magnet which points towards the south direction is called south-seeking end or south pole of the magnet.
[C]. Just like a freely suspended magnet, a freely pivoted magnet also always comes to rest along the north-south direction.
[D]. The global positioning system (GPS) navigation do not tells us about direction.

Neelima is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:

[A]. Every magnet, whether big or small, has a north pole and south pole.
[B]. It is impossible to have a magnet having only one pole.
[C]. The maximum amount of iron filings sticks on the two ends or two poles of the bar magnet.
[D]. None of the above

Choose the correct statements:

[A]. A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.
[B]. Maximum iron filings stick in the middle of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.
[C]. Rubber is a magnetic material.
[D]. A nickel wire is attracted by magnet.

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We have updated Important Questions, NCERT Solutions and MCQ for class 6 Science chapter 13. After reading your NCERT Book, just try to do NCERT Exercises questions. After that you should do important questions and MCQ based on each chapter to be confident for exams.

Last Edited: April 21, 2023