Do you need NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Exercise 7.5 Triangles? Ex. 7.5 of class 9 Maths is an optional exercise for exams, but questions may also be asked from this exercise.

Class 9 Maths Exercise 7.5 Solution in Hindi and English Medium

The complete exercise 7.5 is given here in PDF file format to use it offline, but online users can use it without downloading. Videos related to exercise 7.5 in Hindi and English Medium are also given here to practice well for exams.

Class: 9Mathematics
Chapter: 7Triangles
Exercise: 7.5NCERT Solutions in PDF and Videos

Class 9 Maths Exercise 7.5 Solution in Hindi Medium Video

Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Exercise 7.5 Solution in Videos

Class 9 Maths Exercise 7.5 Question 1 and 2
Class 9 Maths Exercise 7.5 Question 3 and 4

Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Exercise 7.5 Solution

Important Points to be remembered
    1. Two shapes converge if they have the same shape and size.
    2. Two circles of the same radius are congruent.
    3. Two squares with the same side are congruent.
    4. If two triangles ABC and PQR correspond under the correspondence A, P, B ↔ Q and C and R, Mathematically, it is expressed as ΔABC ≅ ΔPQR.
    5. If the two angles of a triangle and the triangle are equal to the two sides and the other triangle angles are equal, then the two triangles are congruent (SAS Rule).

Solution of Example 1 Class 9 Maths


In an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = AC, D and E are points on BC such that BE = CD. Show that AD = AE. Solution: In Δ ABD and Δ ACE, AB = AC (Given in the question) … (1) ∠ B = ∠ C (We know that the angles opposite to equal sides) … (2) It is also given that, BE = CD So, we have BE – DE = CD – DE Finally, we get, BD = CE … (3) So, Δ ABD ≅ Δ ACE (Using (1), (2), (3) and SAS rule). So, we get AD = AE (CPCT)

Class 9 Maths Practice Question 2 Solution


In Δ ABC, the bisector AD of ∠ A is perpendicular to side BC. Show that AB = AC and Δ ABC is isosceles. Solution: In ΔABD and ΔACD, ∠ BAD = ∠ CAD (Given) AD = AD (Common) ∠ ADB = ∠ ADC = 90° (Given) So, Δ ABD ≅ Δ ACD (ASA rule) So, AB = AC (CPCT) or, Δ ABC is an isosceles triangle.

Is exercise 7.5 of 9th Maths important for term exams 2024-25?

Exercise 7.5 has four questions. Questions from exercise 7.5 come in the exam or not depend on schools. Some schools give questions from this exercise in the exam. Some schools omit this exercise for the exams and teach only for knowledge.

Is 9th math exercise 7.5 considered as an optional exercise?

Yes, there may not be any question from this exercise in the exams.

Can students solve exercise 7.5 of class 9th Maths in 2 days?

Students can do exercise 7.5 of class 9th Maths in 2 days or not depends on student’s working speed, efficiency, capability, and many other factors. But if they try to do exercise 7.5 of grade 9th Maths in 2 days, they can do that because there are only 4 questions in this exercise.

Why should we do the optional Class 9 Maths exercise 7.5?

Optional exercises provide some extra tricky questions based on the main concepts of the chapter.

Is exercise 7.5 (chapter 7) of class 9 Maths easy to solve?

No, exercise 7.5 of class 9 Maths is not easy to solve. Exercise 7.5 is an optional exercise of chapter 7 (class 9 Maths), and also this exercise is tricky and challenging compared to other exercises of chapter 7.

Which question is the most challenging question of exercise 7.5 of grade 9th Maths?

There are four questions in exercise 7.5 of grade 9th Maths. Question 4 is the most challenging question of exercise 7.5 of grade 9th Maths.

9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles Optional Exercise 7.5 in English medium
9 Maths Chapter 7 Optional Exercise 7.5 in Hindi medium
Last Edited: November 3, 2023