NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Reach for the Top and the poem On Killing a Tree in Hindi Medium (Hindi Translation) Summary in Hindi and English. The question answers is modified as per the new rationalised NCERT textbooks published for academic year 2024-25.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7

Class: 9English
Textbook:English Reader – Beehive
Chapter 7:Reach for the Top
Study Material:Translation, Summary and Solutions
Content Type:Images, Videos and PDF

9th English Beehive Chapter 7 Question – Answers

Question – Answers of Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Reach for the Top and the poem On Killing a Tree are given below to download or view online free. All the solutions are updated for new academic session 2024-25.

Passages for Comprehension

A marriage as early as that was the last thing on her mind. She threatened her parents that she would never marry if she did not get a proper education. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. When her parents refused to pay for her education, she politely informed them of her plans to earn money by working part time to pay her school fees. Her parents then agreed to pay for her education.
1. What did Santosh want to do before marriage?
2. What did her parents refuse?
3. Why did she threaten her parents?

At barely twenty years of age, Santosh Yadav scaled Mt Everest, becoming the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat. If her climbing skills, physical fitness, and mental strength impressed her seniors, her concern for others and desire to work together with them found her a special place in the hearts of fellow climbers.
1. When did Santosh achieve her success?
2. What is specific about her feat?
3. How did Santosh make home in the heart of his fellow climbers?

When her mother was expecting Santosh, a travelling ‘holy man’, giving her his blessing, assumed that she wanted a son. But, to everyone’s surprise, the unborn child’s grandmother, who was standing close by, told him that they did not want a son. The ‘holy man’ was also surprised! Nevertheless, he gave the requested blessing.. and as destiny would have it, the blessing seemed to work. Santosh was born the sixth child in a family with five sons, a sister to five brothers.
1. Identify ‘her mother’ in the first line of the passage.
2. Who visited their house and what did he do?
3. What did the holy man assume?

Suggested Answers of Passages

Answers for Passage I:
1. She wanted to get a proper education before marriage.
2. Her parents refused to pay for her education.
3. She threatened her parents because she wanted to get proper education before marriage.

Answers for Passage II:
1. At twenty years of age, Santosh achieved her success.
2. She is the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat.
3. She desired to work together and had a special concern for therm.

Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Important Questions

Why was the ‘holy man’ who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings surprised?

The ‘holy man’ was surprised because he had assumed that Santosh’s mother wanted a son but the grandmother told him that they were not curious to have a son.

Give an example to show that even as a young girl Santosh was not ready to accept anything unreasonable.

Santosh, from the very beginning, lived life according to her wish. She was not restricted with the traditional way of life and was not ready to accept anything unreasonable. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts.

Why was Santosh sent to the local school?

Due to the prevailing custom in the family Santosh was sent to the local village school even though Santosh’s parents could afford to send their children to the best schools.

When did she leave home for Delhi, and why?

When she turned sixteen and was under pressure to get married, Santosh threatened her parents that she would never marry without getting proper education. Therefore, she left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi.

Why did Santosh’s parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident?

When Santosh’s parents refused to pay for her education, she politely informed them of her plans to earn money on her own by working part time so that she could pay her school fees. Then, her parents agreed to pay for her schooling in Delhi. This shows that Santosh was a mentally-strong girl and was determined to work very hard towards getting herself properly educated before being married like any other girl in the village.

How did Santosh begin to climb mountains?

Santosh watched people from her room in Kasturba Hostel, going up the Aravalli Hills and disappearing soon after. On investigating, she found a few mountaineers, and asked if she could join them. They showed consent and agreed and even motivated her to take to climbing. She later accompanied them on their climbing adventure. This was how she began climbing mountains.

What incidents during the Everest expedition show Santosh’s concern for her team-mates?

During the Everest mission, Santosh showed great concern for her fellow climbers. Though she was unable to save the life of one of them, she somehow managed to save the life another climber through artificial respiration.

What shows her concern for the environment?

Santosh was a passionate environmentalist. Her concern for the environment is evident from the fact that she made an effort to collect and bring down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas.

How does she describe her feelings at the summit of the Everest?

Santosh asserted that her feeling at the summit of the Everest was “indescribable”. Unfurling the Indian flag on the top of the world was a spiritual moment for her and she felt proud as an Indian.

Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she scaled Mt Everest. What were the reasons for this?

When Santosh Yadav first scaled Mt Everest, she became the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat. When she scaled the Everest for the second time, she became the only woman in the history to have scaled it twice.

Can a “simple jab of the knife” kill a tree? Why not?

No, a simple jab of a knife cannot kill a tree because it takes a lot of years for a tree to grow and rise out of the earth. Moreover, only a chop cannot kill it because it will slowly begin to rise again and grow to its original size.

What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed?

“Bleeding bark” is an indicative of the area on the tree trunk where it has been hit with the axe. The bleeding occurs because the wood cutter has wounded the tree by cutting and chopping it.

The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this?

In the beginning of the third stanza, the poet has said “No” to enlighten the fact that mere chopping of the tree would not kill it. The tree would grow again and retain its original size.

What is the meaning of “anchoring earth” and “earth cave”?

“Anchoring earth” refers to the roots that lie inside of the earth and play the role of an anchor for the tree to grow during its initial phase. They ensure the security of the tree as they nourish it with water and other nutrients. “Earth cave” refers to the ground soil on which the foundation of the tree is laid as it holds the roots and helps the tree stand tall and protects it from all unpleasant situations such as heavy rainfall or storm.

Answers for Passage III:
1. The phrase ‘her mother’ refers to the mother of Santosh Yadav.
2. The ‘holy man’ visited their house and he blessed the expecting mother of Santosh Yadav.
3. The holy man assumed that the expected mother also wanted a son.

What was the extraordinary quality about the Santosh Family have in the story unit 7 from grade 9th?

I think Santosh’s family living in a society that doesn’t dislike the girl child but also doesn’t welcome them in this society her grandmother asked the priest for the blessing to get the girl child.

Do you think Santosh’s family was the major influence in her life as per the unit 7 from class 9th English?

I think her grandmother was the major influence in her family as she was the one who wanted a girl child in the society where the boy child is considered as the blessing. Like her grandmother, Santosh was also given priority to her career rather than getting married.

What do you get a core from the story of Santosh given in Beehive chapter 7?

I think the best core from the story I got is that one has to fight for her career life Santosh did and fought to study more and after that saved lives in her career and ended up saving lives.

Why the Poet in the poem of grade 9th Beehive chapter 7 shares the poetic information to kill a tree?

I think the poet is not meant to kill the tree inside he shared the idea of how gradually if you cut the tree it won’t kill it. Eventually it will take it former glorious form.

What do you think about the Strength of a tree as per the poem in chapter 7 from class 9th Beehive?

The strength of tree is its roots which make it grow hidden underground getting all the nutrition from earth crust. Roots are the responsible for the growth return it to its former glory.

What do you think about the poem from chapter 7 of beehive class 9th?

I think the poem explained how strong a tree is and even though you cut it and bleed it and give it pain. You cannot kill it and it will grow back.

Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Reach for the Top
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Reach for the Top
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Question Answers
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Poem On Killing a Tree
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Summary
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Summary of poem
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Hindi Translation
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Hindi Version
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 Hindi Medium
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 English to Hindi Translation
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 7 in Hindi
Class 9 English Chapter 7 Hindi Translation
Class 9 English Chapter 7 English to Hindi Translation
Class 9 English Chapter 7 in Hindi
Last Edited: June 13, 2023