Class 10 Science Chapter 7 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of How do Organisms Reproduce. MCQs online tests are helpful for the preparation of chapter during the exams. Grade 10 Science chapter 7 MCQ contains questions based on intext and exercises from the NCERT Textbook. All the questions are important for school tests and terminal exams. Revision through MCQs takes less time and results good result during the tests. These MCQ Quiz also contains answers and explanation of each question.

Class 10 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Online Test

Class: 10Science
Chapter: 8How do Organisms Reproduce
Contents:Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Tests
Academic Session:CBSE 2024-25

Class 10 Science Chapter 7 MCQ with Answers for 2024-25

Class 10 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Online Test Papers provide an ample practice to prepare the complete chapter for exams. Practice with these questions to clear all the concepts related to 10th Standard Science Chapter 7 How do organisms reproduce. All the questions are strictly confined to Latest NCERT Books for Class 10 Science only.


Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. Reproduction by human beings ensure that the human species will continue to exist on this earth for all the time to come.
[B]. Reproduction gives rise to more organisms with the same basic characteristics as their parents.
[C]. The production of new organisms from the existing organisms of the same species is known as reproduction.
[D]. All the above

Which among the following diseases is not sexually transmitted?

[A]. Syphillis
[B]. Hepatitis
[D]. Gonorrhoea

Which among the following is not the function of testes at puberty?

[A]. Formation of germ cells, and Secretion of testosterone
[B]. Secretion of testosterone, and Development of placenta
[C]. Development of placenta, and Secretion of estrogen
[D]. Formation of germ cells, and Secretion of estrogen

In human males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the

[A]. Process of mating
[B]. Formation of sperm
[C]. Easy transfer of gametes
[D]. All the above

Neetu is completed her science chapter where she wrote some statements. She wants to know whether the statements are correct or not? Neetu wants to take help from you:

[A]. Most of the fungi bacteria and non-flowering plants such as ferns and mosses reproduce by the method of spore formation.
[B]. Spores are a kind of roots of plants and under favorable condition spores grow to a new plant.
[C]. In spore formation, the parent plant produces hundreds of microscopic reproductive units called as spores.
[D]. The spore formation method of asexual reproduction is used by unicellular organisms as well as by multicellular organisms.

During adolescence, several changes occur in the human body. Mark one change associated with sexual maturation in boys

[A]. Loss of milk teeth
[B]. Increase in height
[C]. Cracking of voice
[D]. Weight gain

In the last year board examination, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect? Will you be able to answer this question?

[A]. In vegetative propagation, new plants are obtained from the parts of old plants without the help of any reproductive organs.
[B]. It is necessary to plant the whole potato tuber in the ground to produce the new potato plants.
[C]. Bryophyllum plants can be reproduced by vegetative reproduction by using either a piece of its stem or its leaves.
[D]. The green grass grows in the fields after range from the dry, old stems of grass plants present in the fields, by the method of vegetative propagation.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Grafting is a method in which the cut stems of two different plants are joined together in such a way that the two stems join and grow as a single plant.
[B]. Grafting enables us to combine the most desirable characteristics of the two plants in its flower and fruits.
[C]. The new plants produced by artificial vegetative propagation will not be exactly like the parent plants.
[D]. None of the above

Offspring formed as a result of sexual reproduction exhibit more variations because

[A]. Sexual reproduction is a lengthy process
[B]. Genetic material comes from two parents of the same species
[C]. Genetic material comes from two parents of different species
[D]. Genetic material comes from many parents

Which among the following statements are true for sexual reproduction in flowering plants?

[A]. It requires two types of gametes, and Offspring formed are clones
[B]. It requires two types of gametes, and Fertilisation is a compulsory event, and Offspring formed are clones
[C]. It requires two types of gametes, and Fertilisation is a compulsory event, and It always results in formation of zygote
[D]. Fertilisation is a compulsory event, and It always results in formation of zygote, and Offspring formed are clones

Which among the following statements are true for unisexual flowers?

[A]. They possess both stamen and pistil, and Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits
[B]. They possess either stamen or pistil, and They exhibit cross pollination, and Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits.
[C]. They exhibit cross pollination, and Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits.
[D]. They possess both stamen and pistil, and They exhibit cross pollination, and Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits.

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are incorrect?

[A]. The material which carries genetic information from the parents to the offspring is DNA.
[B]. The new organisms produced by one parent through a sexual reproduction which are genetically identical to the parent are called clones.
[C]. Dolly the sheep hit the headlines in 1997 as the first successfully produced animal clone.
[D]. The two DNA molecules formed by replication will be similar and be exactly identical to the original DNA.

Priya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help him:

[A]. All the multicellular animals start their life from a single cell called zygote through sexual reproduction.
[B]. The fusion of a male gamete with a female gamete to form a zygote during the sexual reproduction is called fertilization.
[C]. The cell which is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes is called zygote.
[D]. All the above

Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. The age at which the sex hormones or gametes begin to be produced and the boy and girl become sexually mature is called puberty.
[B]. The testes produce the male sex hormone called testosterone and the ovaries produce two female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
[C]. The secretion of seminal vesicles and prostate gland provide nutrition to the sperms and also make their further transport easier.
[D]. All the above.

Bikash is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the correct sentences?

[A]. Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman or female.
[B]. Only one sperm fuse with the ovum or egg in the oviduct to form a zygote, called fertilization.
[C]. The embedding of embryo in the thick lining of the uterus is called implantation.
[D]. All the above.

Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. The exchange of nutrients Oxygen and waste products between the embryo and the mother takes place through the placenta.
[B]. The time period from the fertilization up to the birth of the baby is called gestation.
[C]. In human females or girls, the ovaries start releasing ovum or egg at once every 28 days from the age of puberty.
[D]. All the above

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. A zygote is a single cell. It is smaller than a full stop.
[B]. The average gestation period in humans is about six months.
[C]. An embryo is multicellular. The body features of growing baby in the embryo are not much developed.
[D]. A foetus is also multicellular. The body features of developing baby like heads, eyes, legs and ears etc. can be identified.

Puja is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:

[A]. The breakdown and removal of the inner, thick and soft lining of the uterus along with its blood vessels in the form of vaginal bleeding is called menstrual flow.
[B]. Menstruation stops temporarily when the ovum or egg is fertilized and the woman gets pregnant.
[C]. The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones.
[D]. The first occurrence of menstruation at puberty is called menopause.

Vegetative propagation refers to formation of new plants from

[A]. Stem, roots and flowers
[B]. Stem, roots and leaves
[C]. Stem, flowers and fruits
[D]. Stem, leaves and flowers

In Rhizopus, tubular thread-like structures bearing sporangia at their tips are called

[A]. Filaments
[B]. Hyphae
[C]. Rhizoids
[D]. Roots

The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during reproduction in Plasmodium is called

[A]. Budding
[B]. Reduction division
[C]. Binary fission
[D]. Multiple fission

The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is

[A]. Gametes, zygote, embryo, seedling
[B]. Zygote, gametes, embryo, seedling
[C]. Seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes
[D]. Gametes, embryo, zygote, seedling

Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves because

[A]. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and Asexual reproduction does not involve gametes.
[B]. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent, and Asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction
[C]. Asexual reproduction does not involve gametes, and Asexual reproduction occurs after sexual reproduction
[D]. Asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction, and Asexual reproduction occurs after sexual reproduction

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in a flower?

[A]. Pollination, fertilization, seedling, embryo
[B]. Seedling, embryo, fertilization, pollination
[C]. Pollination, fertilization, embryo, seedling
[D]. Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilization

In a flower, the parts that produce male and female gametes (germ cells) are

[A]. Stamen and anther
[B]. Filament and stigma
[C]. Anther and ovary
[D]. Stamen and style

What is meant by Vegetative Propagation according to 10th Science Chapter 7?

Producing a new plant using the parts of plants like leaf, stem, roots, etc., is known as Vegetative Propagation.

What is Carpel in flower as per Class 10 Science Chapter 7?

Carpel is present in the centre of a flower and is the female reproductive part.

What happen to zygote after fertilisation according to NCERT 10th Science?

After fertilisation, the zygote divides several times to form an embryo within the ovule. The ovule develops a tough coat and is gradually converted into a seed.

What is the function of placenta explained in 10th Science NCERT Book Chapter 7?

The embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood with the help of a special tissue called placenta.

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Last Edited: April 26, 2023