Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Meeting Life Challenges with simple explanation and solutions for CBSE board exam 2024-25. Class 12 Psychology chapter 3 Solutions of MCQ are helpful for the revision of chapter during the exams.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ

Physical, emotional and psychological fatigue states are known as:
a) Resistance
b) Stress
c) Burnout
d) Action

c) Burnout
Burnout is a form of fatigue caused by a constant feeling of overwhelm. It is the result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical and mental stress. Burnout is often work-related. Burnout occurs when you are overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted, and unable to keep up with the constant demands of life.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Set 1


You are walking in the woods and suddenly hear a hissing sound. Your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes shorter and faster, your pupils dilate, and so on.

[A]. Sympathetic nervous system
[B]. Parasympathetic nervous system
[C]. Hypothalamus
[D]. All of the above.

Which of the following statements about frustration is correct?

[A]. A mismatch between two or more needs or motivations
[B]. Blocking by Reason and Necessity
[C]. Expectations of self and others
[D]. Excessive demands

Who Reported Task-Oriented Stress Strategies?

[A]. Lazarus and Folkman
[B]. Endler and Parker
[C]. Both a and b.
[D]. None of these.

Improving time management is an example of

[A]. Change yourself and your surroundings.
[B]. Task Oriented Strategy
[C]. Emotion-oriented strategies
[D]. None of the above.

Coping through efforts to control one’s emotions is known to:
a) Task Oriented Strategy
b) Avoidance Oriented Strategy
c) Emotion Oriented Strategies
d) Goal Oriented Strategies.

b) Avoidance-Based Strategies
Avoidance coping encompasses cognitive and behavioral efforts aimed at denying, minimizing, or avoiding direct exposure to stressful demands, stress and depression. (Cronkite & Moos, 1995; Penley, Tomaka, & Weeb, 2002).

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Set 2


GAS consists of her three phases: alarm response, resistance, and ….

[A]. Attrition
[B]. Aggression
[C]. Sensation
[D]. None of the above.

The stress to which people are exposed varies in intensity, duration, complexity, and …..

[A]. Personality
[B]. Predictability
[C]. Temperament
[D]. None of the above.

Personality traits of hardiness are

[A]. Commitment
[B]. Challenge
[C]. Control
[D]. All of the above.

Which of the following does not come under the stage of the GAS model?
a) Aggression
b) Exhaustion
c) Both a and b
d) Sensation.

c) Both a and b
a) In psychology, the term “aggression” refers to a range of behaviors that can result in both physical and psychological harm to yourself, others, or objects in the environment. Aggression centers on hurting another person either physically or mentally.
b) sensation, in neurology and psychology, any concrete, conscious experience resulting from stimulation of a specific sense organ, sensory nerve, or sensory area in the brain. The word is used in a more general sense to indicate the whole class of such experiences.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Set 3

Who defined stress as “the nonspecific response of the body to any demand”?

[A]. Hans Selye
[B]. Lazarus
[C]. Holmes and Rahe
[D]. None of the above.

Stress is often a factor in ______ disease, the leading cause of death.

[A]. Heart
[B]. Cancer
[C]. Dementia
[D]. Both (a) and (b).

Blocking of needs and motives by something or someone that hinders us from achieving desired goal leads to

[A]. Internal pressures
[B]. Social pressures
[C]. Conflicts
[D]. Frustration

What is the main agenda of life skill is:
a) To develop ability according to demands and challenges
b) To develop capabilities
c) To receive the answer of every question
d) To become good teacher.

a) To develop ability according to demands and challenges
The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life. Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 3 MCQ Set 4

Stress is

[A]. An intervening variable
[B]. A dependent variable
[C]. An independent variable
[D]. Both a and b.

Stress often contributes to _______ disease, a leading cause of death.

[A]. Heart
[B]. Cancer
[C]. Dementia
[D]. Both [A] and [B].

Blocking our needs or motivations by something or someone that prevents us from achieving the goals we want leads to

[A]. Internal pressure
[B]. Social pressure
[C]. Conflict
[D]. Frustration

Key life skills agendas include:
a) Develop skills according to needs and challenges
b) develop skills
c) receive an answer to each question
d) to be a good teacher.

a) develop skills according to requirements
The term ‘life skills’ refers to the skills needed to get the most out of life. Any skill that helps you in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying shoelaces, swimming, driving and using a computer are useful life skills for most people.