NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Saying Without Speaking NCERT Book Environmental Studies in English and Hindi Medium solutions Looking Around for new session 2024-25. Chapter 7 of Class 3 EVS find students very interesting as this is an enjoyable game. Without speaking anything (only using signs), they have to tell about the task to his classmate or group. Extra questions and MCQ based on Chapter 7 of Grade 3 EVS are also given to help the students in Exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 7

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Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Important Question and Answers

How did you like this game?

I liked the game. It is interesting but it was somewhat difficult.

Did you find it difficult to act without speaking?

Yes, I found it difficult to act without speaking.

Have you ever seen anyone talking through actions?

Yes, I have seen mime artists and dumb people talking through actions.

When do people need to talk like this?
People who cannot speak need to talk like this. When a person is deaf and dumb he needs to talk like this. Some stage artists also talk like this and they are called mime artists.

Observe children of about six to eight months in your area. How do they express themselves?
They express themselves by facial expressions and hand gestures.

Has it ever happened that you had done some mischief and your mother found out just by looking at your face?
Yes, this happens many times with me.

Look at and do these mudras. Learn some more dance mudras and do them.
1. Flower bud
2. Flower
3. Snake
4. Fish

Look at these pictures and guess. Make your own story. Tell the story to your friends and discuss.
Once upon a time on a huge tree, there lived a joyous squirrel. She used to dance, sing, run and laugh all day long. One day she decided to cook something good. She invited her friends- rats, myna and crow to enjoy the feast. They all loved having food together.

Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Extra Questions Set 1


Sense Organs are important as:

[A]. They help us to sleep
[B]. They help us to know what is happening around us
[C]. They help us to dance
[D]. None of the above

People who talk through actions are:

[A]. Deaf
[B]. Dumb
[C]. Both deaf and dumb
[D]. None of these

The language used by the people who cannot hear or speak is called:

[A]. Artificial language
[B]. Sign language
[C]. Braille
[D]. None of them

A physically or mentally handicap person is also called:

[A]. Abnormal person
[B]. Differently abled person
[C]. Indifferent people
[D]. None of the above

Nose is a sense organ that helps us to:

[A]. See the world
[B]. Breathe air and smell
[C]. Eat food
[D]. All of them

Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Extra Questions Set 2


Braille script is used by:

[A]. Deaf people
[B]. Dumb people
[C]. Blind people
[D]. All of them

Skin is a sense organ that:

[A]. Helps us to feel
[B]. Covers our body
[C]. Protects our body
[D]. All of them

If a person loses a limb due to an accident, they are fitted with:

[A]. Calipers
[B]. Walking stick
[C]. An artificial limb
[D]. None of the above

Lip movement helps the _____ people .to understand what others are speaking

[A]. Blind
[B]. Deaf
[C]. Lame
[D]. None of them

There is a gas leak in the kitchen, which organ will Rani use for it:

[A]. Eyes
[B]. Nose
[C]. Heart
[D]. Skin

What are the differences between Internal and External body parts?

External Body PartsInternal Body Parts
The body parts which we can see from outside, are called external body parts, such as hands and feet.The parts which are inside our body and cannot be seen from outside are called internal body parts. Heart, lungs, stomach and brain are our internal body parts.
We have our control on these parts.We don’t have any control on them. They work on their own.

What are the functions of sense organs?
Sense organs are the organs of our body:
• that act like windows to the outside world.
• They help us to feel and sense things around us. They are – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin

How are eyes useful to us?
Eyes are useful to us as:
• They work like a camera for us
• Observe and recognize shapes
• Allow us to see and identify things
• They also help us to express our emotions

What are the functions of tongue?
The tongue is important for chewing and swallowing food, as well as for speech. The four common tastes are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. The tongue has many nerves that help detect and transmit taste signals to the brain. It is involved in licking, tasting, breathing, swallowing, and speaking.

Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Important Question and Answers

How does a dancer express herself/himself?

Dancers express themselves by facial expressions and hand gestures. Dance allows freedom of self-expression through controlled movement. Through dance, we experience freedom of emotion. Dancers tell stories by using different facial expressions. Instead of using words, dancers use their bodies, eye contact, and movement to express themselves Since a dancer usually tries to convey a story through movement, smiling and using facial expressions help your audience connect with you.

How do the blind people use Braille script?

People who cannot see, learn to read using the Braille script. This script has letters with raised dots in a set pattern. People who cannot see can feel the raised letters with their fingers. Braille script is thus a form of writing for those who cannot see or are blind. The script uses raised dots and letters. The blind people feel these dots with their fingers and read.

Read the statement and answer the following question: “Both internal and external body parts work together to keep us alive and healthy.” How can we take care of our body parts?

We must:
1. Wash our hands before touching our eyes.
2. Never poke our eyes, nose or ears with any pointed object.
3. Clean our tongue after we brush our teeth.
4. Bathe daily to keep our skin clean.
5. Wash our face twice a day.
6. Exercise regularly

Why do old people need help?
Old age weakens all our senses. It makes the body feeble and frail. Sense of hearing and sight also weaken with age. Body reactions become slow too. That’s why we need to understand and be sensitive towards the aged in our homes.

What is polio?
Children suffering from polio (disease) learn to walk with the support of calipers. Polio is a disease that used to cause problems all over the world, but now it only happens in very few parts of the world because children everywhere else have been immunized against polio.
Polio is the result an infection which rarely causes some children and adults to lose the ability to move parts of their body (paralysis). Maybe they cannot move their legs or arms, or sometimes they cannot even breathe by themselves.

People, who cannot walk with the help of various walking aids like:
i. Walking stick
ii. Wheel chair
iii. Crutches.
iv. All of them

Walking aid is one of several devices a patient may be issued in order to improve their walking pattern, balance or safety while moving independently. Different walking aids are wheelchairs, walking sticks, Crutches, Walkers, Stair Lifts, Power scooters. Each aid has different benefits and helps the user in different ways

How is face of a person a mirror?
Our face is our mirror because it expresses what we are feeling. It shows everything through our facial expressions like if we are unhappy, we look sad. Face thus represents our inner feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is like a mirror of our personality and what we are feeling. Sometimes we are happy, or excited. By looking at someone’s face we can tell if the person is happy, sad or angry.

How can we say something without speaking?
We can say something without speaking by using:
i. Facial expressions
ii. Sign language
iii. Symbols
iv. Lip movement

Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Important Question and Answers

What are Bhavs and Mudras?

Bhavs and mudras are used in dances. Bhavs are a type of expression which aims to reach out the people and convey the message to them. They are actually the emotion that the dancer or actor portrays in their performance. Whereas mudras are single hand gestures or double hand gestures, that can be meaningful or simply aesthetic. They also have a wider bodily expression (the body movements) that will give full meaning to the dance.

How do very young children or infants express themselves?

Babies communicate through sounds (crying, cooing, squealing), facial expressions (eye contact, smiling, grimacing) and gestures/body movements (moving legs in excitement or distress, and later, gestures like pointing.)

How are the words written and read in a Braille script?

The Braille script uses raised dots and letters which are read by the blind people by running their fingers on them. They touch and feel these dots and read them with their fingers. Blind people read Braille by moving their fingertips from left to right across the lines of dots. It was developed in the early 1800s by Louis Braille. It is a series of characters, or “cells,” that are made up of six raised dot patterns which are arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each.

How should we take care of our sense organs?
We should take care of our sense organs by
(i) Being careful about our eyes and protecting them from injury.
(ii) Washing our eyes daily with fresh, clean water.
(iii) Not rubbing or touching the eyes with dirty fingers or a dirty handkerchief.
(iv) Studying or read in proper light
(v) Not touching sharp things like knives, scissors etc. carelessly
(vi) Avoid using too much head phones, listening loud music
(vii) Not putting any sharp thing in our ear, eyes and nose

Why do some people need artificial limbs?
Artificial limb is a substitute for a part of the body that may have been missing at birth, or that is lost in an accident or through cutting or removing of a limb. Many such people have lost a limb as part of treatment for cancer, diabetes or severe infection. An artificial limb can improve the mobility of that person and the ability to manage daily activities, as well as provide them a means to stay independent.

How should we behave with differently able people?
We should do the following things-
• Treat them equally.
• Always ask before giving assistance.
• Think before you speak.
• Avoid showing pity.
• Stay calm if something happens.
• Smile, and be friendly.
• Be supportive of them

What are the different types of disabilities?
Different types of disabilities are:
• Vision disability
• Deaf or hard of hearing.
• Mental health conditions.
• Intellectual disability.
• Acquired brain injury.
• Autism spectrum disorder.
• Physical disability.

Do you think chapter 7 of class 3rd EVS is complicated to understand?

There are multiple stories or we can say situations explained in the story some of them are easy to understand but to get the core information about the story could be a little tricky. So, students might require to explain the story and make them understand through activities too.

What part of the story in chapter 7 of class 3rd EVS did you like the most?

The poem given in chapter 7 of class 3rd EVS called “I have sister, my sister cannot hear” is one I like the most as the words described the feeling of a sister and how she enjoys her life. Even though she cannot hear she could play piano and enjoys it a lot.

How do you suggest someone complete chapter 7 from EVS class 3 for exams?

Students must read all the parts given in the chapter and understand the parts and core knowledge of the chapter. Once they understand they must practice writing the stories how they understand them and make corrections to them. This will help them to cover the questions and answers.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Saying Without Speaking
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 7
Class 3 EVS Chapter 7
Class 3 EVS Chapter 7 Question Answers
Last Edited: August 14, 2022