Class 7 Science Chapter 12 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Forests: Our Lifeline with explanation and answers of each questions updated for academic session 2024-25. All the MCQ tests are prepared from latest NCERT Textbooks based on new CBSE Syllabus. These MCQ online tests are important for school unit test as well as terminal or final exams. Class 7 science chapter 12 MCQs cover all the concepts of the chapter.

Class 7 Science Chapter 12 MCQ for 2024-25

Class: 7Science
Chapter: 17Forests: Our Lifeline
Contents: MCQ Online Tests With Answers

MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 7 Science Chapter 17


Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. A forest is a large area of land covered mainly with trees and other plants.
[B]. Due to different climates and soils, there are various types of trees and other plants found in various forests.
[C]. The forest floor provides favorable conditions for seeds to germinate into seedlings and saplings.
[D]. All the above.

Boojho visited a forest near his town with his classmates and his teacher. As they were entering the forest, their class teacher told them not to make noise in the forest as in noise disturb the:

[A]. Birds
[B]. Animals
[C]. Both (a) and (b)
[D]. Plants

Which among the following forest animal is the smallest?

[A]. Fox
[B]. Boar
[C]. Bison
[D]. Porcupine

Which of the following is not a forest product?

[A]. Gum
[B]. Plywood
[C]. Sealing wax
[D]. Kerosene

Which of the following has the strongest stem?

[A]. A tree
[B]. A creeper
[C]. A climber
[D]. A bush

Which of the following is not prepared from the wood obtained from forest?

[A]. Paper
[B]. Thermocol
[C]. Matchsticks
[D]. Plywood

Which of the following statements is not correct?

[A]. Forests protect the soil from erosion
[B]. Plants and animals in a forest are not dependent on one another
[C]. Forests influence the climate and water cycle
[D]. Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate

Which of the following is not the name of a tree?

[A]. Teak
[B]. Sal
[C]. Porcupine
[D]. Kachnar

Pick the option which gives the names of a tree and animal respectively from the following:

[A]. Semal and hornbill
[B]. Sal and khair
[C]. Chinkara and blue bull
[D]. Neem and palash

Boojho is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the correct sentences?

[A]. The green plants provide food to all the animals in the forest, directly or indirectly.
[B]. The decomposers play a very important role in sustaining the forest.
[C]. Bacteria and fungi are non-green organisms which can not make their own food.
[D]. All the above.

The branchy part of a tree above the stem is known as:

[A]. Crown
[B]. Canopy
[C]. Sapling
[D]. Humus

Forests are not responsible for:

[A]. Providing medicinal plants
[B]. Maintaining the flow of water into the streams
[C]. Creating for flood conditions
[D]. Absorbing rainwater and maintaining water table

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Those animals which eat dead animals’ are called scavengers.
[B]. Scavengers eat up the dead bodies of animals and a help in keeping forest environment clean.
[C]. The important of humus to the soil is that it provides nutrients for the growth plants.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following is not a scavenger?

[A]. Crow
[B]. Jackal
[C]. Lion
[D]. Vulture

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are correct?

[A]. The various components of a forest are interdependent on one another.
[B]. An ecosystem is a self-sufficient unit of living things and non-living environment needing only the input of sunlight energy for its functioning
[C]. If we remove all the snakes from a forest then all the food chains in which snakes take part will be broken or affected.
[D]. All the above.

In a science quiz competition, Payel are asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. The branchy part of a tree above the stem is known as the crown of the tree.
[B]. The layer of vegetation in a forest which is just below the canopy is called under story.
[C]. The uppermost branches and leaves of tall trees which act like a roof over the forest ground is called canopy.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following help in maintaining the supply of nutrients of the growing plants and trees in a forest?

[A]. Saprotrophs
[B]. Autotrophs
[C]. Carnivores
[D]. Heterotrophs

Which of the following is not a function of the crowns of forest trees during the daytime?

[A]. Absorb sun’s light energy
[B]. Absorb oxygen from air
[C]. Carry out photosynthesis
[D]. From a green cover

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. The layer of vegetation in a forest which is just below the understorey, is called shrub layer.
[B]. The layer of vegetation in the forest which is just below the shrub layer, is called the herb layer.
[C]. The forest floor is also considered a layer of vegetation in the forest structure.
[D]. All the above.

Which of the following will help in the conservation of forest?

[A]. Recycling of jute bags
[B]. Recycling of cotton bags
[C]. Recycling of paper bags
[D]. Recycling of plastic bags

Boojho appeared in class test but he confused to know the correct statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. Forests are cut down to obtain wood for making paper.
[B]. Forests are cut down to clear land for cultivation of crops in agriculture.
[C]. Forests are cut down to clear land for the construction of roads, houses, industries and dams etc.
[D]. All the above.

Puja is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:

[A]. Forests prevent soil erosion and floods and hence help in the conservation of soil.
[B]. Forests help in maintain water cycle in nature and hence bring sufficient rain.
[C]. Forests also maintain the balance between carbon di oxide and oxygen in the atmosphere.
[D]. None of the above.

In the last year board examination, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect? Will you be able to answer this question?

[A]. [A] Forests help in cleaning air and purifying water.
[B]. Forests provide food, water, shelter and medicine to the forest-dwelling people.
[C]. Forests provide a natural habitat to wild animals and birds and hence help in the conservation of wildlife.
[D]. Cutting down of forests is driving out many populations, which help many people to build houses, factories and bridge etc.

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are correct?

[A]. The cutting down of forest leads to soil erosion.
[B]. Cutting down of forest leads to the loss of many species of animals and birds.
[C]. The destruction of forests is also leading to the loss of many species of plants from this earth.
[D]. All the above

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. The cutting down of forest or deforestation leads to a decrease in rainfall.
[B]. The removal of fertile top soil from a region by wind, rain or river water is called soil erosion.
[C]. The roots of trees and plants growing in the forest bind the particles of topsoil and hold the soil together firmly.
[D]. None of the above.

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Last Edited: June 13, 2023