Class 7 Science Chapter 5 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Physical and Chemical Changes. It consists of important questions from the entire NCERT Textbook, intext question answers and exercises questions. All the MCQs are given with complete explanation of answer. Attempt the questions first and then view answers for justification. Practicing with these MCQ online tests ensure you to get good marks in school exams.
Class 7 Science Chapter 6 MCQ for 2024-25
Class: 7 | Science |
Chapter: 6 | Physical and Chemical Changes |
Contents: | Multiple Choice Questions MCQ Tests |
Class 7 Science Chapter 6 MCQ Tests for 2024-25
Class 7 Science Chapter 6 MCQ with answers and explanations are given below. All the questions are taken from NCERT Books for Class 7 Science only. There are more than 80 questions in the format of sets of 10 questions at a time. After doing one test, click on Start a New Test for more practice.
In which of the following statement are incorrect?
Paheli is writing some sentences, choose the correct sentence and help her:
Which of the following are true when milk changes into curd?
A man painted his main gate made up of iron, to
In which of the following sentences is or are correct?
Do you know in which of the following sentences is or are incorrect?
In which of the following sentences is or are incorrect?
Paheli’s mother made a concentrated sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in hot water. On cooling, crystal of sugar got separated. This indicates a:
Consider the following sentences and choose the incorrect one:
In which of the following sentences are incorrect?
Boojho is writing some sentences. Choose the incorrect one and help him:
Which one is a physical change?
In which of the following sentences is incorrect?
Which one is a chemical change?
Crystallization is a process to obtain:
There are given some statement. In which of the following pair is a chemical change?
Boojho is writing about physical change. Read the following sentences and choose the incorrect one and help him:
Paheli is writing some sentences about chemical change. Choose the incorrect statement and help her?
Boojho is writing some sentences about corrosion. Choose the incorrect statements and help him?
Boojho is writing some sentences. Choose the incorrect one and help him:
Consider the following sentences and choose the correct one:
Consider the following statements and choose the correct ones:
In which of the following statement is or are correct?
Boojho appeared in class test where he wrote some statements but he confused to know the incorrect statement. Would you help him to know that?
In which of the following statements is or are incorrect?
Hindi and English Medium NCERT Solutions
Class 7 Solutions for all subjects like Maths, Science, Social Science are given in Hindi and English Medium free to use or download. All Important Questions MCQ Questions of all chapters are also given for practice.