Class 8 Science Chapter 7 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of reaching the Age of Adolescence updated for academic session 2024-25. All the MCQs are important for the school unit tests as well as terminal or periodic exams. Practice here MCQ online test with answers and explanation of each questions to prepare the chapter and become confident in all topics of chapter 7 of class 8 science. These MCQ quiz covers the complete chapter 7 reaching the Age of Adolescence from CBSE class viii science.
Class 8 Science Chapter 7 MCQ
Class: 8 | Science |
Chapter: 7 | Reaching the Age of Adolescence |
Contents: | MCQ Online Test with Explanation |
Session: | 2024-25 |
MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 8 Science Chapter 7
AIDS can spread from an infected person to another person through:
[A]. Sharing food
[B]. Blood transfusion
[C]. Sharing comb
[D]. A mosquito bite
Given below are events that lead to pregnancy and development of the embryo. Which of the following options gives the correct order of sequence in which they occur?
[A]. Fertilization of egg, Maturation of egg, Release of egg, Embedding of the embryo in uterus.
[B]. Maturation of egg, Fertilization of egg, Release of egg, Embedding of the embryo in uterus.
[C]. Fertilization of egg, Embedding of the embryo in uterus, Maturation of egg, Release of egg.
[D]. Maturation of egg, Release of egg, Fertilization of egg, Embedding of the embryo in uterus.
For the metamorphosis of tadpoles which of the following elements must be available in water?
[A]. Chlorine
[B]. Carbon
[C]. Sulphur
[D]. Iodine
Structures present in a cell which is responsible for determination of the sex of a baby is:
[A]. Cytoplasm
[B]. Cell membrane
[C]. Nucleus
[D]. Chromosome
Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?
[A]. Reproductive life of a woman lasts from menarche to menopause.
[B]. The development of a caterpillar to an adult butterfly is termed as metamorphosis.
[C]. The overgrowth of muscles in larynx leads to the hoarse voice in adolescent boys.
[D]. The deficiency of adrenaline hormones causes a disease known as goitre.
Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:
[A]. [A] Testosterone hormone produces male secondary sexual characteristics in boys at puberty (such as deeper voice, growth of facial hair etc.)
[B]. Testosterone hormone causes “growth spurt” in boys at puberty.
[C]. Testosterone hormone causes the growth and development of male sex organs at puberty.
[D]. None of the above.
Secondary sexual characters not present in male:
[A]. Growth of facial hair
[B]. Hair grows under the arms
[C]. Hair grows in the region above thighs
[D]. Development of breasts
Priya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help her:
[A]. In a frog, metamorphosis is brought about by thyroxine hormone.
[B]. The production of thyroxine hormone requires the presence of iodine in water.
[C]. All the amphibians need thyroxine hormone to undergo metamorphosis and change from larva into adults.
[D]. All the above.
Vikash is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the incorrect sentences?
[A]. Adrenals are endocrine glands.
[B]. Adrenal glands are known as emergency hormone.
[C]. The aldosterone hormone secreted by adrenal glands maintain the correct salt balance in the blood.
[D]. None of the above.
Payel is completed her science chapter where she wrote some statements. She wants to know whether the statements are correct or not? Payel wants to take help from you:
[A]. Thyroid is a large endocrine gland in the neck.
[B]. Thyroid gland makes a hormone called thyroxine which contains iodine.
[C]. The deficiency of thyroxine hormone causes a disease known as “goitre”.
[D]. People are advised to take iodised salt which contains appropriate amount of sodium chloride.
Badal appeared in class test but he confused to know the correct statement. Would you help him to know that?
[A]. AIDS virus can be transmitted to an infant or small baby from the infected mother through her milk.
[B]. AIDS virus can be transmitted to a healthy person through sexual contact with a person infected with HIV.
[C]. AIDS virus can pass from an infected person to a healthy person by the selling of syringes used for injecting drugs.
[D]. All the above.
Full name of “AIDS”. Choose the correct options:
[A]. Auto Immune Disease Symptom
[B]. Acute Immune Deficiency Symptom
[C]. Antiretroviral Infection Disease System
[D]. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Adolescents should be careful about what they eat because adolescents should be careful about what they eat because:
[A]. Proper diet develops their brains
[B]. Proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body
[C]. Adolescents feel hungry all the time
[D]. Taste buds are well developed in teenagers
Choose the statement which are incorrect about drugs:
[A]. Drugs are addictive.
[B]. Drugs do physical harm to the body.
[C]. Drug addicts become irritable and lose interest in their studies or jobs.
[D]. Drugs are less powerful chemical substance and it should be used by anyone.
In the last year board examination, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were correct? Will you be able to answer this question?
[A]. The ovaries start releasing mature eggs or ova at puberty.
[B]. The testes begin to produce male sex cells called “sperms” at puberty.
[C]. Adolescence is the time in one’s life when the brain has the greatest capacity for learning.
[D]. All the above.
Estrogen hormone performs the following function. Choose the correct functions of this hormones:
[A]. Estrogen hormone produces female secondary sexual characteristics in girls at puberty (i.e., development of breast, broader hips).
[B]. Estrogen hormone causes the growth and development of female sex organs at puberty.
[C]. Estrogen hormone brings about the monthly preparation of uterus for pregnancy.
[D]. All the above.
Which of the following endocrine gland does not occur as a pair in the human body?
[A]. Adrenal
[B]. Pituitary
[C]. Testis
[D]. Ovary
Which of the following can lead to menstruation in a 21-year-old woman during ovulation?
[A]. Sperms available for fertilization and Oviducts blocked
[B]. Oviducts blocked and Sperms not available for fertilization
[C]. Sperms available for fertilization and Sperms not available for fertilization
[D]. Oviducts blocked and Oviducts not blocked
Which of the following is the secondary sexual characteristics in females?
[A]. Low pitched voice
[B]. Broadening of chest
[C]. Broadening of hip
[D]. Developing Adam’s apple
The various changes which occur in boys during puberty is or correct:
[A]. Testis and penis become larger
[B]. Chest and shoulders of boys broaden or become wider
[C]. Hair grows in armpits and in pubic regions or genital area between the thighs.
[D]. All the above.
In a science quiz competition, Payel is asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?
[A]. Puberty tends to start earlier in girls (female) than in boys (males).
[B]. In this period, the growth of voice box in girls is much more than the growth of voice box in boys.
[C]. The bigger voice box in boys gives deeper voice (or low-pitched voice) to the boys.
[D]. The most conspicuous change during puberty is the sudden increase in the height of boys and girls.
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Last Edited: June 12, 2023