NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics in PDF format is given below to download free for offline use updated for academic year 2024-25, based on latest CBSE Syllabus and following the new NCERT Books. Download Offline apps and NCERT Books to use it offline. Visit to Discussion Forum to ask your doubts and share your knowledge.
Class 10 Economics Solutions
Chapter 1: Development
Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
Chapter 3: Money and Credit
Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy
Chapter 5: Consumer Rights

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics

Subject:Social Science – Economics
Contents:NCERT Solutions
Academic Session:2024-25

Benefits of Studying Economics in CBSE Class 10

It helps you understand the world around you. Economics is the study of how people make decisions in the face of scarcity, and it can help you understand how the economy works and how your decisions affect it. This knowledge can be helpful in making informed decisions about your own finances as well as the political and social issues that affect your life. It teaches you critical thinking skills. Economics is a social science, and thus, it requires you to think critically about complex issues. You’ll learn to analyze data, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and make informed decisions. These skills are valuable in any field and will help you succeed in school and in your career.

Main Topics to be covered in Class 10 Economics

The scope of Learning Economics Subject
It prepares you for higher studies in Economics. One, who are interested in pursuing a career in economics, the studying economics in class 10th will give them a solid foundation in the subject. You will learn the basics and principles of economics, and develop the critical thinking skills needed to succeed in further study. It makes you a more aware citizen. The economy is a subject that affects everyone, and studying economics will make you a more informed citizen. You’ll understand the economic forces that shape your world and you’ll be better equipped to participate in the political process.

10th Social Science Economics Chapter 1: Development

What Development Promises, Different people different goals, Sustainability of development, National Development, Income and other goals, Income and other criteria, how to compare different countries or states and Public Facilities.

10th Social Science Economics Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy

Sectors of Economic Activities, Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors, Comparing the three sectors, Division of sectors as organized and unorganized, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India.

10th Social Science Economics Chapter 3: Money and Credit

Money as a medium of exchange, Self Help Groups for the Poor, Modern forms of money, Formal sector credit in India, Loan activities of Banks, Terms of credit, Two different credit situations.

10th Social Science Economics Chapter 4: Globalization and the Indian Economy

Production across countries, The Struggle for a fair Globalisation, interlinking production across countries, Impact of Globalization on India, Foreign Trade and integration of markets, World Trade Organisation, globalization and Factors that have enabled Globalisation.

How many chapters are there in Class 10 Economics?

As per the new NCERT books published for academic session 2024-25, there are only 5 chapters in class 10 Economics. The name of the chapters are as follows:

    • Chapter 1: Development
    • Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
    • Chapter 3: Money and Credit
    • Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy
    • Chapter 5: Consumer Rights

What do we learn in class 10 Economics?

You will learn about the different types of markets and how they work. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions about where to shop and how to invest your money. You also learn about the factors that affect inflation and unemployment. This knowledge can help you understand the economic climate and make informed decisions about your career and finances. In Economics, you learn about the role of government in the economy. This knowledge can help you understand the political process and make informed decisions about your vote. Overall, studying economics in class 10 can provide you with valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit you throughout your life.

What are the main objectives of Development of Class 10 Economics?

The main objective of this chapter is to understand the rationale for overall human development in India, which includes the rise of income, improvements in health and education rather than income. Understand the importance of quality of life and sustainable development.

Is Economics is one of the important subjects in class 10?

Just like Maths, Science and other subjects, Economics is equally important for a class 10 student. In short, studying Economics in CBSE Class 10 is a worthwhile and worthwhile endeavour. It will help you to understand the world around you, develop critical thinking skills, prepare for further study in economics and become a more informed citizen.

What are the main objectives of Chapter 3: Money and Credit of Class 10 Economics?

The main objective of this chapter is to understand money as an economic concept and understand the role of financial institutions from the point of view of day-to- day life.

Last Edited: September 3, 2023