NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Computer Science Chapter 3 Classification of Computers in English Medium updated for session 2024-25. Grade 3 computer book chapter 3 includes about the classification of types of computers.

Classification of Computers

The computers have been classified into three categories, these are:

    1. Analog Computers
    2. Digital Computers
    3. Hybrid Computers

Digital Computer

Computers which accept digits and alphabets as input are known as Digital Computers e.g. computers used for business purpose where data is entered in the form of alphabets and digits. Digital Computers are much faster than Analog Computers. They can further be classified into two types:

    1. Purpose wise
    2. Size and performance wise

Purpose Wise

    • a. Special purpose is one that is designed to perform a specific task. The instructions to carry out the task are permanently stored in the Computer.
    • b. General purpose is one that can work on different types of programs and input to it and thus can be used in various applications.
Size and Performance Wise

a. Micro Computers are normally having single microprocessor, single user system designed for performing basic operations.
b. Mini Computers are more powerful computers than micro computers in terms of processing power and capabilities. Mini Computers are mainly multiuser system where many users simultaneously work on the systems.

c. Main frame Computers are designed to handle huge volumes of data and information. These can support more than hundred users at the same time. These computers even work with more than one processor at the same time.
d. Super Computers are the most powerful computers among digital computers. These consist of several processors running together thereby making them immensely faster and powerful. These are mainly used in application like weather forecasting, nuclear science research etc.

Summary of Classification of Computer

Computers are classified as analog, digital and hybrid computers.
Analog Computers work on physical quantities.
Digital Computers are special purpose or general purpose depending upon their purpose of working.
Performance wise digital computers are further divided into micro, mini, mainframe and super computers.
Hybrid Computers are mixture of digital and analog computers.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Computer Science Chapter 3
Class 3 Computer Science Chapter 3 Classification of Computers
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