NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet. Learn here about 26 English Alphabets in Capital as well as Small letters. All the contents related to Class 1 English Grammar is updated according to Academic session 2024-25. Contents are available in online format as well as PDF file format to free download.

The Alphabet

The English alphabet has twenty six letters. There are capital letters and small letters which we use while writing. Let us revise the English alphabet.

    • Capital Letters
      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    • Small Letters
      a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Check Yourself

Look at the pictures given below and write down the name of each picture. Use only CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. B for BALL
2. L for LION
3. S for SUN
4. D for DOG
5. B for BOOK
6. O for OWL
7. F for FISH

Look at the pictures given below and write down the name of each picture. Use only SMALL LETTERS.
    • 1. c for cat
    • 2. t for tree
    • 3. f for flower
    • 4. h for hat
    • 5. u for umbrella
    • 6. r for rabbit
    • 7. b for birthday
    • 8. c for cake
    • 9. b for bus
Arrange the name of the following fruits in ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Grape, papaya, apple, mango, orange, banana
    • 1. apple
    • 2. banana
    • 3. Grape
    • 4. Mango
    • 5. orange
    • 6. Papaya
Arrange the names of the following animals in ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Goat, tiger, elephant, horse, dog, cow
    1. Cow
    2. Dog
    3. Elephant
    4. Goat
    5. Horse
    6. Tiger
Arrange the names of the following cities in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Shimala, Dehradun, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Lucknow, mumbai

1. Dehradun
2. Hyderabad
3. Lucknow
4. Mumbai
5. New Delhi
6. Shimala

Arrange the names of the following rivers in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Yamuna, ganga, sindhu, narmada, jhelum, kaveri
    1. Ganga
    2. Jhelum
    3. Kaveri
    4. Narmada
    5. Sindhu
    6. Yamuna
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet Practice
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet Worksheets
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet Revision notes
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 1 The Alphabet Exercises
Last Edited: June 16, 2023