NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6 Features of Paint updated for new academic session 2024-25. Class 4 Computer Book chapter 6 explores the main features of MS Paint program in Microsoft Windows. Students find it very interesting during practical class.

Features of Paint

Main features of paint are Title bar, Menu bar, Tool box, Color palette and Drawing area.
Title Bar
The title bar of paint displays the title or name of the paint window.
Menu Bar
The menu bar contains file menu, home tab, view tab.
File Menu
File menu has options which are related with file. When you click on the file menu, the Drop Down menu will be displayed. It is used to see different options related to file.

Features of Paint in Detail

Undo: It is used to cancel the last operation you have performed.
Redo: This is used to cancel the last reversed action you have performed.
Cut: Cut button is used to remove the selected area from picture.
Copy: To make a duplicate of the picture.
Paste: This button is used only after cut or copy button. It is used to insert the picture or words.

Commonds of MS Paint

Clear Selection
To delete the selected portion in the drawing area.
Select all
To select all the pictures you wants.
Copy to
To copy the picture to another location.
Paste from
Paste the picture on the drawing area from other source.

Write T for true and F for false
    1. We can insert some text using pencil tool.
    2. We can erase the picture using eraser tool.
    3. Title bar appears on the top of the screen.
    4. The mouse helps us to draw.
    5. Color box appears on left corner of the screen.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6
Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6 Features of Paint
Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6
Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6 Question Answers
Class 4 Computer Science Chapter 6 Worksheets